Strong glutes are essential for a healthy, injury-free body. The three powerful muscles in your buttocks stabilize the hips, support the lower back and ensure proper posture as we walk, run, jump and lift.
One of the best ways to target your glutes? Hip thrusts. They offer a greater range of motion than a basic glute bridge and can be easily modified to match your fitness level. Once my personal training clients master the glute bridge, I move them to hip thrusts and continue building strength and endurance.
To add hip thrusts to your next leg day, all you need is a weight bench or other elevated surface, like a couch or sturdy chair. You may also want a weight (like a cheap adjustable dumbbell) for an added challenge.
How to do a hip thrust
Sets: 3 Reps: 10-12
- Sit on the floor with your back supported by a weight bench (or couch/chair).
- Bend your knees, feet flat on the floor about 12 inches away from your hips.
- Engage your core, press your feet into the floor and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips until they’re aligned with your knees and shoulders.
- Hold briefly at the top, keeping your spine neutral.
- Lower your hips back to the starting position with control and repeat.
Trainer tips for better hip thrusts
Avoid arching your back as you lift your hips. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders—if you find yourself arching at the top of the movement try reducing your range of motion slightly and engaging your core. Keep the focus on your glutes and hamstrings to power the movement.
Add a dumbbell, kettlebell or curl bar across your hips to make the move harder. Use a pad or rolled up towel for cushioning if needed.
Hip thrusts can also be done using a Smith machine, found in most gyms. Align the bar on top of your hips and perform the exercise as described. Some fitness facilities have started to offer dedicated hip thrust machines as well.
Benefits of hip thrusts
Hip thrusts can strengthen and tone your glutes and hamstrings, improve your lower-body mobility, enhance your posture and help you to move better with more pelvic and spinal stability. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run or simply navigating daily life, stronger hips will help.