In the days of literal cut and paste, creativity was king. As was featuring your television set. Happy holidays to all the Pandas!
#1 Chihuahua In The Mailbox At The De Bord House, 1962

#2 Sled Car Awesomeness, 1951

#3 Hello There From Hugo And The Boys!

#4 Having A Ball In 1929!

#5 Kocmoud Family With Cats And Kittens, 1965

#6 Dick And Dinah Are Bonkers And I Love It, 1950s

#7 Boundless Joy During The Holiday Season, 1971

#8 The Van Normans Are Snug In Their Stockings. They Gave Dot Strange Little Arms. 1956

#9 Marcia, Vee And Ted And Their Perfect Christmas, 1950

#10 About To Shoot Santa (Or A Fisherman In Waders). And What Is That Small Kid Going To Do With The Rope? 1955

#11 Space Themes Were Very Popular, But Why Are They In A Lightbulb? 1957

#12 The Pippins Bursting Through The TV To Say Hello! 1953

#13 Hughes Family, 1963

#14 Judy, Bernice And Ferdie, Christmas Puppets, 1952

#15 Clever Idea With Candles. Godspeed To You, Elmer Farkas, Wherever You Are! 1950s

#16 Creative Christmas Tree With Photos From The Binduigs, 1951

#17 Another Space-Themed Card With Spacedog, Stauffer Family, 1955

#18 Dick And Dean Bringing Home The 1945 Holiday Necessities

#19 The Bowdoins And Their Magical Blocks, 1953

#20 Judy, Bernice And Ferdie Are At It Again, This Time In A Rocket! 1954

#21 The Busy B's - A Novelty Dog And Monkey Show, 1965

#22 Ted And Phyl Assisting A Horrified Santa, 1950

#23 Hughes Family, 1962

#24 Three Of The Swanson Children Glued To Aluminum Foil

#25 Unknown Couple On A Sleigh, 1950s

#26 Greetings From Loon Lake Lodge, Minnesota, 1957

#27 It Says "And Love To Sammy And Kimmy, Love Cheryl" - You Go, Cheryl!

#28 Mom And Dad Ornaments, Nice Dog, 1930s

#29 Sonny And Agnes Heusser And Their Wedding, 1952

#30 Willis Treaster And His Litany Of Complaints, 1930s

#31 Bad News From The Clowns, 1960

#32 The Windsteins And Their Chalkboard Greetings, 1940s

#33 Love The Existing Ribbon On This Card, And Another TV Theme, 1950s

#34 3 Eagle Scouts And 1 Cheerleader! 1958

#35 Nothing Screams "Holiday Season" Like A Kid And His A Dead Rabbit