When Angela Nelson got cast as a pig in her school nativity play, she was devastated. All she wanted was to play the iconic angel in her school show - but little did she know that she was unintentionally named after one of the most famous angels around.
Truly embodying the spirit of Christmas, Angela Gabrielle Nelson's whole personality screams festivity - from her birthday to occupation and even her moniker. The 40-year-old is named after one of the most recognisable angels of all time - and a character often depicted in popular Christmas movies.
Surprisingly, however, her family didn't realise the irony of the reference until several years later.

Angela Gabrielle's name is incredibly similar to Angel Gabriel - one of the angels of higher rank.
The angel is described as the symbol of Christmas and embodies the herald of visions, and the messenger of God. The religious icon is often portrayed in an array of films.
Angela, from South on Sea, told The Mirror that her connection to the angel doesn't just stop at her name as other attributes in her life happen to be incredibly ironic.
She explained: "I work in PR and communications, which is ironic considering my namesake is a heavenly messenger! My birthday is also 17th December."
Thankfully, it allows Angela to embody the spirit of Christmas even further and gives her a good excuse to embrace the exciting festivities.
She said: "I've always loved Christmas so having such a festive name just adds to the mix. I feel like it gives me licence to totally embrace Christmas and spread cheer!"

While Angela is named after the Christmas icon, she admits that her parents were unaware of the connection until years later.
Admitting that there were no intentions to have a festive link, she describes that the situation feels rather "cosmic".
Angela explained: "At first they didn't realise. They certainly didn't choose my name based on the Christmas connection - it feels kind of cosmic that that's how it worked out.
"They often talk about how special that first Christmas was. I was brought home from the hospital on 21 December and they basically holed up over Christmas with their little angel!"
Often referring to herself as Ange and rarely referencing her middle name, Angela admits that pals often assume that her name is simply a prank, but quickly find the fluke intriguing.

She explained: "I often get people to guess what the G stands for and they almost never get it. Then when they find out that I'm Angela Gabrielle and that my birthday is near Christmas, people love it. They think it's cool and they always ask if it was deliberate.
"My mother-in-law is catholic and even though most people call me Ange, she always says my full name.
"Some people have reacted by asking if I'm joking about my name and birthday.
"I get called Ange or Angie most of the time, which is fine by me. When people find out my full name, I usually get compliments, which is nice. I didn't always appreciate what a lovely name I have," she added.
Another Christmassy aspect of Angela's life is that her birthday falls extremely close to the festive day - just eight days prior - but she admits that the placement can be rather frustrating.
However, her family will go above and beyond to accommodate her special day and even threw her an ironic angel-themed party for her 13th birthday.
She reminisced: "Having a Christmas birthday used to be a bit annoying because everyone is focused on other things and often busy with work dos but I don't mind so much anymore. My family have always made an effort to make my birthday special - no joint presents or anything like that."
The festive period has always been a comfort for Angela since a young age and her dreams of starring as the iconic Angel Gabrielle first started in school.
She explained: "I've always dreamed of playing the Angel Gabriel in the nativity and secretly thought it should be a no-brainer considering my archangel connections.
"My first nativity I was a pig, which obviously involved doing almost nothing. I have also been a villager, again involving doing almost nothing, and another year, I played the recorder. Hardly a chorus of angels!
"Other little girls want to be Mary, I just wanted the halo and wings. It felt like it should be me but alas it was not to be."
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