A mother says she didn't take to her son's "rude" and "messy" girlfriend when he first introduced her to the family two months ago and is even less enthusiastic about the relationship now that they intend to get married.
According to this concerned mum, her 25-year-old son began dating Sara, who is just 20, seven months ago, and she doesn't exactly have high hopes for the marriage.
She was brutally honest with her son about her opinion of Sara after their very first meeting, but he had apparently hoped she'd soften. When asked whether her feelings had changed following the news of their engagement, however, she didn't hold back, laughing in her son's face and telling him point blank that no, they had not.

Furious, he asked her why and so she proceeded to list the multitude of reasons why she strongly disapproved of the engagement. First of all, she felt they were too young, and that seven months wasn't really enough time to properly get to know each other.
Secondly, neither her son nor Sara has a stable income, and they also can't cook or clean, leading her to believe they'll be "hitting a disaster zone" post-wedding. She's also uncomfortable with the fact that they don't intend to get a pre-nuptial agreement.
On top of all these practical reasons, however, she simply doesn't like Sara, who hasn't exactly made a good impression on the family so far.
Taking to Reddit, the unnamed mum, who goes by the username u/Beginning_Till8593, explained: "She's messy, and by messy I mean she looks like she lives in a dumpster, rude (she'll cuss you out when you eat the last of the chocolate, even if it's your chocolate because she wanted it (source: she did it to my daughter, I saw it with my own eyes).
"She's also wasteful, and quite conceited (my son and she are banned from family gatherings after a particular incident)."
Although she told her son it was ultimately his choice, she warned him they wouldn't be able to live with her, and furthermore, she wouldn't be helping to pay toward the "extravagant" wedding they're now both hoping for.
Outraged by her honesty, her son stormed out and she's now been left wondering whether she might have been a tad too harsh on reflection.
One fellow Reddit user advised: "He asked for an opinion, you gave it, and sounds like you have good reasons. You are right in that it is his decision.
"Just as equally, it is your house and finances, he is an adult, and you get to decide who you want in your house and who to support. Stick to your guns, he is an adult now and needs to start acting like one. Good luck."
Another commented: "All your points are valid and if he thinks he's mature enough to marry then he should be mature enough to respect your stance. Storming out is not very mature."
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