A mum from Atlanta, Georgia in the US, has revealed she gave birth by herself in the passenger seat of a car as she was stuck in traffic on her way to the hospital.
Deshai Fudd, 23, started having contractions on the morning of November 29, 2022 , but thinking she had plenty of time she told her husband, Loston Fudd, 25, to head to work. He came back around lunchtime and they travelled together to the hospital.
Within 10 minutes, the mum-of-three's waters broke, and she began to go into labour in the passenger seat. She had no choice but to give birth by herself, while her husband as driving.

Deshai explained: "I had no clue it was going to happen until she was already in my pants.
"She didn't cry so we were concerned until I felt her move. My husband was yelling and asking if she was okay and asking what he should do.
"I told him to keep driving and get us to the hospital! I was panicking at first but I just wanted to reassure my husband that she was okay and to just keep driving so we could to the hospital as soon as possible."
The situation took a turn for the worse when the car came to a standstill due to the heavy traffic. Loston managed to pull up next to a patrol officer. He told him they had just had a baby and needed an escort to the hospital.

Deshai continued: "The officer quickly turned his lights on and led us through the traffic!
"We got to the hospital and about 10-15 nurses ran out to the car and cut the umbilical cord. They wrapped the baby up in some blankets and took us into a room to check on everything."
Luckily, the newborn baby girl, whose name is Dariya, was happy and healthy, weighing five pounds and 12 ounces. She joins siblings Demiah, four, and Lamell, two.

However, Deshai has admitted that the traumatic birth left her feeling down, and she'll often replay it all in her head.
She explained: "Honestly, I was pretty down about the entire situation. I was wondering if I hadn't told my husband to go ahead and go to work, would we have made it to the hospital in time?
"I thank God that my baby is healthy and safe and that was what kept me afloat."
Deshai recently uploaded a video explaining her experience, and it has racked up nearly 10 million views, with viewers congratulating how on her speedy delivery.
After posting it she said: "When I posted the video and got all the loving and supporting comments it made me feel better than anyone would know.
"I am very thankful for all the positivity that my family has been receiving it makes me so happy!".
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