A mum said Molly-Mae Hague saved her life after she discovered a cancerous lump in her breast.
Hannah Bolton said she was scrolling through Instagram in September 2021 when she came across the former Love Island star's account.
The 22-year-old Pretty Little Thing creative director had shared candid snaps on her Instagram story of her in a hospital bed after having two suspicious lumps removed - from her breast and finger - urging people to check themselves.
This led Hannah, 31, to sweep her hand across her left breast - where she discovered a solid grape-sized lump.
After visiting her GP and a hospital breast care centre, she was stunned to be diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.
She was just 30-years-old at the time.

While still at the beginning of her chemo journey, the district nurse has already had good feedback from doctors about her progress.
She is bravely sharing her ordeal to urge people to regularly check themselves, after she said that if she hadn't have spotted Molly-Mae's post, she wouldn't have checked her breasts that day.
Hannah, mum to three-year-old son Jaxon, also wants younger women to insist on what she deems to be a potentially life-saving scan after she didn't automatically receive a mammogram when referred 'due to her age'.

The board of North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT), which runs Southmead’s breast care centre, said they follow national guidelines from the Royal College of Radiologists on mammogram screening.
They also encourage any patient to raise questions or concerns they have about mammograms with their doctor.
Hannah, from Bristol, said: "I was in Portugal on the first night of my holiday with my son.
"We'd just had a nice little meal and then went back to the room to put the little one to sleep.

"I got him down and went on social media and I saw a post by Molly-Mae, an influencer who was on Love Island.
"She'd put up a post about having just had surgery after they biopsied her and removed a benign tumour and she was raising awareness to check for breast abnormalities.
"So, off the back of that post I felt my boob and I found a lump in the left lower quadrant of my left breast on the outside of the nipple.
"It was 'bobbly', rock solid and about the size of a grape. I hadn't noticed it at all - hadn't seen it, felt it, nothing, until that very moment.

"I was worried straight away and I instantly messaged my mum.
"Molly-Mae's decision to share that post saved my life. If she hadn't shared that post I would never have checked my breasts to this very day.
"I never did, it never crossed my mind. That lump would still be growing now, it could be really bad by this point if I hadn't found it."
Molly-Mae, who moved to Manchester at the age of 18, shared the snap of her in a hospital bed in September to her 6.2 million followers.
Alongside the picture, she wrote: "I spoke about a lump I found in my boob on a recent vlog of mine, well I had it removed today. Check your bodies people!!!".

Hannah booked an appointment with her GP when she got home a week later and was referred to Southmead Hospital in Bristol.
On October 25, she underwent a physical examination, ultrasound and biopsy - but wasn't offered a mammogram.
While waiting for the results, Hannah said her hormones were 'going crazy' and she broke out in severe acne across her face, something she doesn't normally suffer with.
She also said that the lump doubled in size.
"The GP checked me out and said she could feel it and that it was about 3cm. [Within six weeks] the tumour had almost doubled in size", Hannah said.

"I also had really bad acne all over my face, and I don't usually suffer with that, my hormones were just going crazy."
After an agonising 10-day wait, on November 4 Hannah was told the devastating news that she had breast cancer.
Hannah said: "When I went back [for my results] the doctor came out and he called me, I saw him in his scrubs and I knew straight away.
"As soon as he got me in the room I said 'I know you're giving me bad news' and he said he was sorry to see me here as young as I am but that it was triple-negative breast cancer'.
"When he said that I just thought about my little boy. I just thought ''I don't want to died, what's he going to do without a mum?'."

The consultant said the biopsy confirmed Hannah had triple-negative grade three stage two breast cancer.
She was then send for a mammogram and it was recommended she undergo chemotherapy before having surgery and radiotherapy.
On November 25, Hannah underwent the first of 16 gruelling rounds of chemo - declining the offer of fertility treatment and cold cap treatment so she could start chemotherapy as soon as possible.
Hannah said: "Once I was told I had cancer all I kept thinking was that I was going to die.
"My first chemo was relatively fast because I declined fertility treatment and cold cap treatment.

"I was told each might delay treatment by up to a month and I just wasn't willing to hang around.
"My main priority was Jaxon. I remember thinking 'it's sad that I'm going to go into early menopause and not have more children at 30 but at least I've got my son, he needs me'.
"I was like 'get the picc line in and get the chemo started'. Within three weeks to the day of my diagnosis I started treatment."
Determined Hannah has undergone four rounds of chemo and has another 12 to go.
She is hoping to complete it by April 21, before having a lumpectomy and radiotherapy treatment.

She is now urging people to undertake regular self-examinations so if they experience any changes they can get medical treatment straight away.
Hannah said: "I didn't think I would be diagnosed with breast cancer at 30.
"I hadn't known anybody at this age to be diagnosed and the doctor told me I was the youngest on the caseload, so that says it all really.
"It was just such a shock and the fact that I was so unaware of the fact that you should check your breasts every month.
"This Molly-Mae post was what brought it to light and off the back of that, finding the lump, it was like a sign.

"It was like a sign telling me - she did that post for you to see so you find this lump so you can then share it with the world in the hope that people have early detections to save lives.
"I don't carry the gene and nobody in my family has ever had it.
"The doctor said they don't know what causes triple-negative breast cancer, I've just been very unlucky.
"My advice is to pick a date and once a month give yourself a thorough check including up to the collarbone.
"If there are any changes in the breast at all, then get it checked out."
The mum-of-one also wants all women, no matter what their age, to insist on having a mammogram if they're biopsied.

Hannah said: "When I went and had my biopsy they should have done a mammogram but they didn't.
"They did an ultrasound and biopsies and sent me on my way.
"Obviously I was none the wiser but when I went back for my results the consultant really was not happy that I wasn't sent for a mammogram.
"He went to the computer said 'I reckon it's to do with your age', because I was so young.
"I think it should be protocol if you have a referral to the breast centre to have a mammogram despite your age.
"If the doctors say you're too young for a mammogram, push for one.

"I'm very hopeful and I do fully believe I will beat this. I do have high hopes for my future."
The North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) said they follow national guidelines from the Royal College of Radiologists on mammogram screening which says mammography is the first line imaging modality of choice in women aged 40 years or over, with the addition of ultrasound as indicated.
It also states mammography should be performed on all patients with confirmed malignancy, irrespective of age.
An NBT spokesman said: "We are incredibly sorry for delays in our breast service, which has been caused by the unprecedented pressure in the pandemic.
"We understand how disruptive and distressing this can be and are doing everything we can to see patients as quickly as possible.
"While we can't talk about individual cases, we can confirm we follow the national guidelines on performing mammograms."
A fundraising page has been set up for Hannah, to help pay for any bills or costs of treatments.
To donate click here.