I know how easy it is to fall into a social media doom scroll in bed. Even though I’m well aware that using my phone before sleep or first thing in the morning does me no favors, I still catch myself turning a quick check of my messages into 30 minutes of mindless scrolling.
To break the habit, I tried swapping my phone for a 7-minute stretching routine whenever I felt the urge to scroll before bed or first thing in the morning and it left me feeling so much better than my phone ever has.
There is just one catch: I found it from scrolling on my phone. One of the wonderful things about the internet is that is so much easier to gain access to a whole range of exercise routines from excellent trainers like James Stirling (also known as The London Fitness Guy) who created this short and equipment-free stretching and mobility sequence.
While you don't need any equipment for this routine, I would suggest placing one of the best yoga mats between you and the floor to protect your joints from the hard ground.
Watch James Stirling's 7-Minute Stretching Routine
- Thoracic rotation x 30s each side
- World's Greatest Stretch x 30s each side
- Cobra x 30s each side
- Child Pose x 30s each side
- Pigeon x 30s each side
- Bridge x 1 min
- Squat Extension x 1 min
Stirling runs through each move in the video above and demonstrates how to perform each. For the first five exercises, perform each unilaterally, meaning one side at a time, for 30 seconds per side. The final two are bilateral, working both sides together, so you'll do them for one minute each.
Once you have watched Stirling's demonstrations and you have a mental note of how long to spend on each you can place your phone on the other side of the room and get stuck into the routine.
I have used this routine both before bed and as the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning. Here's what I noticed from using this stretching routine.
Don't think, just do it
Ever promised yourself you'd fit in some exercise, only to keep putting it off until the day is over? You’re not alone and there’s a way to avoid it.
I recently came across the term 'decision fatigue,' and it makes perfect sense here. With so many choices to make throughout the day, the added decisions of when, where, and how to exercise can feel exhausting, making it easier to skip any form of movement altogether.
That’s why I loved this short, simple routine. You can do it right in your bedroom, and it reminded me that any movement, no matter how small, feels great once you start.
The body feels better after
It’s the end of January, and like many others, my activity levels are much higher than they were at the end of last year. My New Year fitness goals are set, and I’m pretty happy with the habits I’ve built so far to get back on track. But the downside? My body is adjusting to the increased demands I’m putting on it.
One of my goals is to prioritize stretching and mobility work, and this routine has been a game-changer for my recovery. It’s short, but it leaves my body feeling so much better. The deep stretches help relieve tension in areas we often neglect, such as the lower back and hips, until tightness or injury can end up forcing us to pay attention to them.
More generally speaking, incorporating regular mobility and stretching work is beneficial for everyone, no matter your fitness habits. It helps improve flexibility, reduce stiffness, and enhance overall movement, making everyday activities feel easier and lowers the risk of injury.
It's a more relaxing way to exercise the mind
The exercises really don't require a lot of thinking, but you will be using your brain to connect with your body as you get it into the right position for each move and register how it feels in each pose.
I find this kind of movement quite therapeutic and undeniably a much better way to spend seven minutes than scrolling through social media.