Everyone makes mistakes from time to time - but some are just simply unforgiveable. One student has learned this the hard way after accidentally asking out the wrong identical twin, claiming he was too nervous to notice he'd pulled the wrong twin aside. Taking to Reddit, he explained how he struck up a friendship with a set of twins, who have been named Anna and Betty to protect their privacy, and soon started to develop feelings for Anna.
In a moment of bravery, Anna confessed her feelings toward him, prompting him to come up with a plan to ask her out the following day. The student said: "I started to develop a crush on Anna because we had a lot of similarities. As time went on, Anna and I became quite close, but I was still quite good friends with Betty. Time comes around and I think Anna has received the hints that I like her. She approached me a few days ago and said, 'Hey, can I talk to you for a second?'

"I was starting to get nervous as we three never hide anything from each other. She said, 'So, um, I kind of have a crush on you.'
"I was excited, but nervous at the same time, so when she asked whether I liked her back, I said, 'Let me think about it, I’ll give you an answer soon.'
"She was fine with it and we went back over to sit with Betty and our other friends."
The next day, the student plucked up the courage to ask Anna to be his girlfriend - but it didn't quite work out as planned.
"I went over and approached Betty, thinking she was Anna," he added.
"I said, 'Hey, I have something to tell you.' So Betty and I walked over somewhere more secluded and I said to her, 'I actually have a crush on you.'
"Betty looked excited and happy, as I expected because I thought she was Anna.
"She then said, 'Omg wow, I have a crush on you too!'
"I thought this was a bit weird, as Anna had already told me that she liked me a day prior. But I just went with it, so we agreed we were now dating."
In an attempt to justify asking out the wrong twin, he told Reddit almost everyone struggles to tell Anna and Betty a part because they're "very clearly identical twins".
He added: "Later that day, I get a text from Anna, which says something along the lines of, 'Betty told me you were dating, why would you do that to me, I just asked you out!'
"I was so confused and quickly replied, 'Um, what? I told you I have feelings for you earlier today!'
"Then it hit me, right as I got a reply, 'So now you like me and her, but you are already in a relationship with her?! I’m telling her you are cheating on her, you are going to have some explaining to do.'
"She didn’t look at any of my texts trying to explain it and they both aren’t talking to me."
While most users couldn't help but laugh at the man's mistake, others questioned how he managed to confuse them in the first place.
One user said: "It’s going to suck but I think all three of you should get together in person privately to go over what happened.
"I’m sure they are as confused as you were and are obviously upset.
"Make it clear to them it was an honest mistake and try to repair the friendship. If that succeeds in a few years you’ll all be laughing about it."
Another user added: "I feel so bad for you. It's a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation.
"I think the best move is to just try and calmly go over what happened with them, and sincerely apologise to them both for the confusion.
"This genuinely isn’t anyone’s fault, and hopefully they see that."
A third user said: "You blew it. You should have told them you liked them both. There goes your once in a lifetime opportunity to pull the Olsens."
Do you have a strange story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.