HYDERABAD: In a pre-dawn drug bust in the upmarket Banjara Hills on Sunday, the Task Force police raided Pudding & Mink pub located inside Radisson Blu Hotel and seized five grams of cocaine. The manager and one of the pub owners have been arrested. There were 148 people, including staff, present in the pub at the time of the raid.
Several prominent persons including those from the Tollywood and kin of a politician and a senior IPS officer from Andhra Pradesh were found partying beyond permissible hours at the pub.
Deputy commissioner of police (west zone) Joel Davis said that the raid was conducted at 2 am on Sunday by the sleuths of Hyderabad Task Force. During the raid the police found a disc jockey playing songs and customers dancing on the floor. Different types of leaves and other materials were also found on the bartender’s table. Liquor was also being served beyond the allowed time. It was during the searches that cocaine was recovered.
Joel said since police did not know if all customers had used drugs they were not made accused.
“But as and when we get information about specific customers we will act against them. Many customers claimed that they were informed by the establishment that the pub has 24 hours permission to sell liquor. So believing them they had come,”' Joel added.
“Initially, the staff claimed that the seized powder was sugar. But we sent it for testing where it was established as cocaine,” a senior cop told TOI.
Following the raid, Hyderabad city police commissioner CV Anand suspended Banjara Hills inspector P Shiva Chandra. The hotel is just a km away from the police station.
All the customers besides the hotel staff were brought to the Banjara Hills police station and were later let off after collecting their details. They were told to be available when called.
Police register case against star hotel
The list of people included the niece of a veteran Tollywood actor, a Tollywood singer and the son of a former MP. They later issued statements clarifying that though they were present but had no clue about drugs.
The list also included the daughter of a senior IPS officer and the son of a businessman-turned politician, both from AP. However, there’s no statement from them so far.
“For the last one month there has been information that a large number of vehicles have been going inside the star hotel late in the night. Based on the tip-off, police conducted a raid and seized drugs,” a cop said, adding that the lead reached Anand first and it was then that he formed a special team for the raid.
The police booked pub owners — Abhishek Vuppala and Arjun Veeramachineni — and manager M Anil Kumar for violation of NDPS Act, 420 (conspiracy) of IPC. Abhishek and Anil were arrested.
“During the course of investigation we will call the suspects for questioning. We will do analysis of mobile phones of the accused besides a technical analysis,” a cop said.
The police have also registered a criminal case against the star hotel.
It may be remembered here that the police and newly formed Narcotics Enforcement Wing is not only acting tough against peddlers but also booking cases against those found to be consuming the drugs.