Wearing a superhero costume is the most fun thing to do. It makes you feel invincible and honestly looks quite cool. But what definitely would not be enjoyable about it is if you accidentally get stuck in the outfit. It wouldn’t be fun for you, but everyone else would find it funny.
This is the exact situation a man found himself in when he innocently tried on his new Spiderman costume. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get himself out once his wife zipped him up. In an ironic turn of events, she had to come to his rescue!
More info: Reddit
Husband isn’t able to unzip his Spiderman costume and has to wait hours for wife to free him, this happens not once but twice in four years

Image credits: Payrot523 / Reddit (not the actual photo)
The poster had zipped up her husband in the Spidey costume and gone out to the store for an hour, she didn’t realize that he wouldn’t be able to get out of it without her help

Image credits: throw_spidey_away

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
When the incident happened the first time, netizens found it hilarious and shared their own experiences of getting into similar fixes because of clothing zippers

Image credits: Thom Gonzalez / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Four years later, the poster ended up trapping her husband in the same Spiderman costume after he had tried it on for their nephew

Image credits: Sir Manuel / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
The poster went out for two hours with her sister, only to return and find an annoyed Spiderman once again on their couch

Image credits: throw_spidey_away
The woman laughingly wondered if her husband would ever trust her enough to wear the costume again
The Spidey costume in question was a morph suit, a spandex costume that covers the full body from head to toe. The outfit came with two zippers on the back that could either be pulled from the top or bottom. This royal mess happened because the poster pulled both the zippers together and left them in the center of the suit. Since her husband is muscular, he couldn’t reach the area at all.
She didn’t think much of it after zipping him up and went to the store while her (probably) panicky partner struggled to get out of his costume. He couldn’t even reach her because the suit had gloves and he could not use his phone properly. So, in the end, he gave up and waited for her to return. Most netizens said they’d never be so patient and would have ripped themselves out of the outfit.
Bored Panda reached out to AnyaPanda, a Canadian cosplayer and YouTuber who makes videos about cosplaying, cartoons, and other special interests. We asked her if it’s common for people to get stuck in their costumes or struggle to get them on or off. She said, “it’s pretty common for cosplayers to have other people around, as we tend to share hotel rooms for the events we attend.”
“However, in cases where you’re at home doing a try-on of your costume (commonly known as a ‘costest’), some difficulty can certainly occur, especially when there’s zippers involved. In those cases, you can either sit around in the cosplay and wait for someone to come home to help you, or you could resort to seam-ripping part of the costume in order to get it off.”
“The latter would be in cases of great desperation as most cosplayers don’t want to undo their hard work, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, I suppose. I once was trying on a cosplay early in the morning (about 4 or 5 AM) before my shift at work. The skirt of the cosplay was a little too small for me, so while I was able to get it on, I absolutely could not get it off.”
“I struggled with it for a good 15 minutes but couldn’t do anything, and since it was so early in the morning, all my roommates were asleep. Therefore, I eventually caved and decided to take my seam ripper and start undoing the side seam of the skirt in order to get out. It worked, thankfully, but the skirt was, of course, not in the best of shape after everything,” AnyaPanda shared.
There can also be risks associated with wearing full-body costumes. For example, a bodysuit like the one in the post can make a person feel very hot or suffocated if they’ve been wearing it for a long time. Individuals can also get injured if they contort their bodies too much while wearing or taking off the outfit.

Image credits: karlyukav / Freepik (not the actual photo)
We asked AnyaPanda what kind of issues people usually face with their cosplay or costumes. She said, “one of the biggest issues is going to the bathroom! Especially if there is armor or multiple layers involved (which there often is), going to the bathroom can take a lot of effort.”
If a cosplayer wears something with zippers in the back, she explained that she’d “recommend attaching a lanyard or something similar to the pull of the zipper so that you can just pull on the strap of the lanyard to do and undo the zipper. That way, you don’t have to worry about reaching around awkwardly.”
Experts also say that the best way to be safe while wearing a bodysuit with zippers is to tie a string or hook so that it’s easy to reach and get out later. Nobody wants to find themselves in such a situation. But if you do find yourself trapped in an outfit with zippers, it’s best to use a mirror as a guide. Try to be patient because if you panic, the suit will be harder to get off.
The poor husband in this story must have thought that his days of getting stuck in a Spiderman costume were over. How wrong he was! Four years later, he trusted his wife enough to get back into the outfit to impress his nephew. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, he got stuck again when she went out.
This time, it was definitely the wife’s fault because she forgot that her husband was dressed up as Spidey. Netizens told her that she had to make it up to him by getting stuck in a Spiderwoman costume. Others couldn’t believe it and said they’d wait another four years for him to be trapped in the outfit again.
It’s definitely normal to get stuck in an outfit. Maybe most folks aren’t finding themselves trapped in Spiderman costumes, but dresses, shirts, and pants are usually the most common offenders. The best thing to do if it happens to you is to take a deep breath instead of getting anxious and lightheaded. You can then look for help or cut yourself out of the fabric as a last resort.
Everyone wants to be the heroic Spiderman, but nobody ever thinks they’ll end up being the superhero who needs rescuing. Luckily, the woman’s husband seems gracious and won’t let this repeat hurdle stand in his way of being a hero again, or else we’ll know what to expect after another four years.
Have you ever been trapped in an outfit? Did you manage to get yourself out of it or have to wait for the cavalry to arrive? Let us know your story in the comments.
Netizens were amused that such a specific situation could happen twice, they definitely blamed the guy’s wife a little bit