During the ongoing trial, Zoe Kestan, Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend, provided detailed testimony about her experiences witnessing Hunter Biden's drug use in various locations they frequented together.
Kestan informed the court that Biden had mentioned his intention to seek rehabilitation for his drug issues. However, she grew concerned when he ceased communication and discovered through his banking records that he had withdrawn cash far from the rehab facility, raising doubts about his commitment to recovery.
When Kestan inquired about the rehab progress, Biden dismissively responded with a vague statement, indicating that she should not worry about it.

Another troubling incident Kestan recounted was when Biden offered shelter to a homeless young woman at a hotel they were staying in. Subsequently, Biden abruptly left the hotel, leaving Kestan to clean up the room.
During the trial, images of the hotel room were presented as evidence, revealing the presence of multiple crack pipes, including a broken one, along with drug paraphernalia such as baking powder, spoons, bowls, and chopsticks, all indicative of drug use.
Prior to the lunch break, Kestan disclosed a disturbing incident where Biden, feeling he was being overcharged by his crack dealer, attempted to manufacture crack from powder cocaine as an alternative.