Hundreds of UK trophy hunters bought lottery tickets to win a holiday killing wildlife in Africa.
The Lucky Hunter winner gets a £2,000 holiday with a guaranteed 10 animals to shoot, including wildebeest, impala and antelope.
More than 400 tickets were sold for the draw, which anti-hunting campaigners branded a “horror lotto”.
Organisers boast the £13.99 tickets cost “less than a box of ammunition”.
The scheme is run by Ashley Bennett, 27, of Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
He has teamed up with Mike Taylor Sporting, whose publicity features photos of gun-toting hunters next to dead cheetahs, elephants and zebras.
Another partner in the lottery is Settlers Safaris, which has trophy shots of giraffes, leopards and elephants.

An ad for the lottery says: “If there is a particular animal you would like to stalk or would like to take as a trophy animal, that can be arranged at the standard rates set by Settlers Safaris.”
The deal includes transport to the Eastern Cape and five days’ hunting.
As MPs prepare to debate a total ban on imports to the UK of hunting trophies of vulnerable species, Eduardo Goncalves, founder of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting, said: “Getting a ticket to kill animals is a disgrace.

“British trophy hunters are already among the world’s worst for killing elephants and shooting lions.
“But this is a new low. The people behind this vile venture are twisted.”
Mr Bennett said: “Regulated hunting pays for most wildlife conservation in southern Africa. With our help, elephants, rhinos, lions and leopards are getting the habitats they need. Ban hunting and the southern Africans will replace their wildlife with cattle.”
Mr Taylor was asked for comment.