Every week dozens of planning applications are submitted to Derry City and Strabane District Council, from conversions and demolitions to new businesses and housing.
Most of them are small and about things like new garages or water pump installations.
But large-scale housing schemes and infrastructure projects also follow the same route through the council planning process.
Below are three planning applications submitted to the local authority in the past few weeks that you might need to know about.
All of these applications are awaiting a decision.
255-home development

This is a pre-application for a proposed development of 255 dwellings with access, landscaping, public open space, drainage and associated infrastructure.
The development is for lands situated to the south-east of the A2 Clooney Road and east of Gransha Park.
The site will be a mix of right detached and 180 semi-detached homes, 15 townhouses, and 52 apartments.
There will also be a public open space, equipped children's play area, IT community hub meeting space, community allotments, and sufficient car parking.
This is the only information available on the application at this stage.
The application can be on the Northern Ireland planning portal using LA11/2022/0114/RM.
10 residential apartments

This is a planning application for an affordable-led housing proposal for 10 apartments within a single building, and associated landscaping, open space, parking access and associated work.
The development will be situated along Limavady Road in Derry with the demolition of an old house (6 Limavady Road) is required to move forward with the proposals.
Meanwhile, a number of residents in the local area have objected to the current plans, citing overdevelopment and a lack of parking among their concerns.
SDLP MLA Sinead McLaughlin most recently said: "On behalf of constituents who have contacted my office, I wish to raise the following concerns regarding the above named planning application.
"Residents are worried about the overdevelopment of this site. The Limavady Road currently suffers from severe congestion as a result of recent developments, such as the relocation of Foyle College and Ebrington Primary School, and the proposed 20 apartments has the potential to exacerbate long-term traffic issues.
"They have also raised concerns that the allocated parking spaces are below standard. This risks causing an overflow of vehicles into the surrounding streets in an area already compounded by residential parking issues, which are still to be resolved."
Whiskey Tasting facility
The plans, which have been submitted on behalf of David A Watt & Company Ltd, will also include a restaurant and retail elements.
If approved, it would bring the plans to the area between 7 to 17 Foyle Street.
Part of the site was previously occupied by Duffy's Bar while other retail units and office space were used to populate the rest.
The application read: "It is essential in revitalising and recovering the architectural heritage of the city centre, that the work of John Guy Ferguson is recovered and reinstated in this location.
"There is a unique opportunity for a "landmark” historical refurbishment of a large piece of the city centre, by the private sector, in the form of this project combined with the currently approved works to Nos 1-4 Shipquay Place."