Hundreds of Leeds folk are advocating for the death penalty to be legalised again in the UK.
The last execution in Britain took place in 1964, before Parliament passed a law suspending the sentence for all crimes. But now many residents want it back.
A UK-wide survey showed that 40 per cent of people support the controversial idea. While in Leeds, individuals say "the sooner it returns the better" for serial killers, rapists, child killers, terrorists, and more.
It comes after West Yorkshire criminals were showcased on Channel Five earlier this week. Crime documentary lovers tuned into HMP Wakefield: Evil Behind Bars, which aired on Monday evening, to see an insight into what life is like working in the "English version of Alcatraz".
Through interviews with ex-inmates, retired prison officers, and relatives of Britain’s most infamous inmates, the show unlocked the cell doors and uncovered the secrets of life inside the UK’s toughest jail. And on the show one former prison guard sparked controversy with his bold views.

Mike O'Hagan, didn't hold back in sharing what his time was like spending his days among the likes of notorious criminals Roy Whiting, Jeremy Bamber, and Robert Maudsley, and said he believes some people "simply cannot be rehabilitated" and said the death sentence should make a comeback into the Monster Mansion.
Many dubbed his treatment of prisoners as "bullying" or "inhumane", but hundreds want stricter punishments to be reinforced to crack down on crime in the county. We asked Leeds Live readers to share their thoughts and received an astounding amount of people saying they want the death penalty back.
Ian Black added: "Not just serial killers, child murderers, terrorists, who carry out atrocities, the list is endless. Life should mean life, no parole, getting out of your sentence with reductions on your life tariff is a joke, it sends the wrong message to these people who murder indiscriminately."
Michelle Norris added: "Definitely bring back the death sentence for serial killers, murderers, and for child killers. But also bring back death sentence for people charged with terroristic offences. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Stella Walsh said: "Yes and they [the government] know the majority are in favour, which is why there will never be a vote."
Stephen Harrison said: "Not just serial killer but also violent sexual crimes, any form of slavery, any thing to do with crimes but you know which crimes, humanitarian crimes. There are legitimate reasons to justify capital punishment." While Neil Thrush said: "Sooner the better."
While Rose Wodd shared her thoughts and added: "I think we should bring back the death penalty as we now have lie detector tests. There is only a very small chance of killing an innocent person."
Gillian Oakes added: "Yes life for a life - it should be brought back." Steven Knowles said: "For ALL killers!"
Have your say in our survey
Martin Kearsley said: "They don't need to be serial killers. One murder that is proved is enough to have the death penalty." David Baines added: "Yes and sooner rather than later."
But James Stewart disagreed. He said: "The death sentence is not an effective deterrent or punishment. More use of whole life orders and changes to how prisons system works is needed."
And Donna Colling added: "No it shouldn't come back. It costs too much of taxpayers money going through all the appeals and everything else. There's also been too many people being found to be innocent after they're dead."