Gold coins, silver necklaces and 540 pieces of pottery are among the hundreds of historical artefacts missing from the British Museum since 2013, the institution’s records reportedly show.
The British Museum revealed last week that police were investigating items that were “missing, stolen or damaged” from its collection. Legal action is being taken by the London-based institution against a member of staff, who has been sacked.
The Times reported on Thursday that a freedom of information (FoI) request to the museum had disclosed that a Greek silver coin, a 4th-century Roman coin and a German coin had disappeared from the museum in the year to April 2014.
An early 20th-century ring, a chain made up of “round-sectioned silver wire”, animal-shaped wooden opium poppy scorers and glazed leaf pendants and beads are also said to be among the items to have gone missing over the past 10 years.
Emails leaked to BBC News claim the museum was alerted by Ittai Gradel, an antiquities dealer, to items being sold on eBay in 2021, but that it ignored the report.
On Wednesday, Hartwig Fischer, the director of the museum, expressed “frustration” that the extent of any appropriation of artefacts from the museum’s collection was not apparent when concerns were first raised.
“When allegations were brought to us in 2021 we took them incredibly seriously, and immediately set up an investigation,” he said. “Concerns were only raised about a small number of items, and our investigation concluded that those items were all accounted for.”
He added: “We now have reason to believe that the individual who raised concerns had many more items in his possession, and it’s frustrating that that was not revealed to us as it would have aided our investigations.
“In 2022 we embarked on a full audit – which revealed a bigger problem. I reported my concerns to the trustees, and together we agreed to call in the police. We also then began the disciplinary process that resulted in a member of staff being dismissed.”
Fischer said his priority had always been the care of the museum’s collection, and that continued today, “with our commitment to learning lessons from the independent review, our determination to help the police with their criminal investigation, and our focus on the recovery programme”.
In July, Fischer, a German art historian, announced he would step down from his role next year.
Gradel told the BBC: “The claim that I withheld information from the British Museum is an outright lie. I was explicit in my communication with the British Museum that I was entirely at their disposal for any further information or assistance they would require. They never contacted me.”
The museum has not specified how many items have been stolen or detailed what the missing items are, saying only that they are “small pieces”, including “gold jewellery and gems of semi-precious stones and glass dating from the 15th century BC to the 19th century AD”. It is understood the items were taken before 2023 and over a “significant” period of time.
An independent review of security has been launched and the matter is also under investigation by the economic crime command of the Metropolitan police. No arrests have been made.