A controversial development on Liverpool’s waterfront has been given planning permission following an appeal.
Last year, plans put forward by Romal Capital to build 330 apartments overlooking the River Mesey at West Waterloo Dock were recommended for refusal by Liverpool City Council’s planning committee. The proposed development would spread across three blocks of between four and nine storeys and would also require a partial infill of West Waterloo Dock as well as the creation of a floating timber jetty and dockside walkway - all situated within the Liverpool Waters site, managed by Peel L&P.
While an appeal had already been lodged by the developer on the basis of non-determination, members of the planning committee followed the recommendation in January 2020 and voted unanimously to inform the planning inspector that the application by Romal Capital be refused for the reasons outlined in a council report.
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The reasoning for its recommendation to refuse, the council’s report cited “harm” to Waterloo Dock, the development’s impact on a proposed cultural square within Liverpool Waters, and its large concentration of one bedroom apartments. The recommendation was welcomed by Save Waterloo Dock Campaigners who were opposed to the development on the grounds it required an infill of a heritage asset.
Speaking in January, Greg Malouf, CEO of the developers behind the £100m scheme, Romal Capital, said he was “disturbed” by the recommendation and that the decision would be appealed on the grounds of non-determination. Subsequently an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate was lodged in a bid to overturn the decision - which has now been successful.

The hearing began in May and was overseen by Roger Catchpole, Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, with the decision published yesterday, July 11. The outcome states that the appeal is “allowed” and that “planning permission is granted” for the residential development at West Waterloo Dock.
The report notes the benefits of the development outweigh the issues outlined by the council. It means the development will be able to go ahead despite the Council’s concerns that 11% of the cultural Square in Liverpool Waters will be lost to the new development. The report adds that subject to a number of conditions - which include construction impacts on the local community and providing a pedestrian route between Princes Half Tide and Princes Parade - the appeal should be allowed.
Chris Capes, Director of Development for Peel L&P’s Liverpool Waters, commented: “We are very pleased that the Planning Inspectorate has now given the green light to Romal Capital for its £100m waterfront development at Liverpool Waters and that it will now go ahead as planned.
“Romal’s development will bring huge benefits to the city, including the provision of 330 highly sustainable smart homes, public realm, retail space and local amenities. In addition to supporting economic growth and job creation, this development will also allow for other projects to come forward in the same area, including space for arts and culture.
“It will be a critical part of the regeneration of the Central Docks neighbourhood, and we look forward to working with Romal to bring this development forward.”
A spokesperson for Liverpool City Council said: “The city council is disappointed with the Inspector’s decision as the impact on the historic environment of West Waterloo Dock and the reduction in size of the proposed cultural square are losses to the city that can’t be recouped elsewhere.
“The housing mix for this scheme is also not ideal but the council will work with the developer to ensure the scheme is built to the highest quality. The city council also remains committed to working with Peel to regenerate Liverpool’s northern docks to create outstanding developments that befits a world-class location.”
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