Mayfield mosque will join with others across the country today to promote blood donations.
Afternoon prayer sessions will include a sermon on helping the community. Attendees will be encouraged to scan QR codes and sign up to give blood at Lifeblood venues across the Hunter.
The mosque is working with the AIMA and the Australian Red Cross to launch this year's event.
"This year is the first time that all three mosques in Newcastle are participating," Newcastle's Australian Islamic Medical Association (AIMA) spokesperson Dr Mustafa Majeed Omar said.
Dr Omar said he expected 300-400 people at Mayfield Mosque and about 200 at Wallsend tomorrow. He hopes most people will sign up to donate.
"It's a good opportunity for [blood banks] to shine and get all the mosques to participate," Dr Omar said.
The Newcastle arm of AIMA was established last year and aims to increase medical awareness in the community.
Mayfield mosque's spokesperson Imam Mohamed Hamed said he expected the community to be generous in their donations.
"When I talked to some neighbours and non-religious people ... they expressed their intention to come and donate," Mr Hamed said.
The event is open to the wider community at Mayfield mosque's 1:15pm and 1:45pm prayers today.