Colombia and Panama are facing criticism from Human Rights Watch for failing to protect migrants crossing the treacherous Darien jungle on their journey to the U.S. The watchdog's report highlights the increasing vulnerability of migrants to robberies and sexual violence along this route.
Human Rights Watch has called on both countries to appoint high-level officials to coordinate a response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Darien. The organization recommends that Colombia and Panama collaborate to enhance security measures and seek more assistance from international groups.
The report emphasizes that migrants and asylum-seekers crossing the Darien Gap are entitled to basic safety and respect for their human rights. The current situation demands urgent attention and action from the authorities.
Last year, over 520,000 individuals crossed the dense and roadless rainforest of the Darien, twice the number compared to the previous year. The migrants come from various countries, with many fleeing economic and political crises in Venezuela, Ecuador, Haiti, and Afghanistan.
The perilous journey through the rainforest can last several days, with migrants paying significant sums to guides and smugglers for assistance. Tragically, many have lost their lives due to drowning during river crossings.
The Gulf Clan, a drug trafficking group, controls the Colombian side of the Darien and profits from migrants crossing into Panama. Human Rights Watch urges Colombia to investigate the Gulf Clan's involvement in facilitating migrant crossings and enhance state presence in the region.
The report also highlights the prevalence of crimes against migrants, including sexual violence, which often go uninvestigated and unpunished due to limited resources and coordination between Colombian and Panamanian authorities.
Doctors Without Borders reported a significant increase in cases of sexual violence in the Darien, with criminal groups operating with impunity in the region. The suspension of MSF's operations in Panama has raised concerns about the lack of adequate support for vulnerable migrants.
Human Rights Watch calls on Panama to allow humanitarian groups to operate without restrictions and modify its policies to ensure the rights of migrants. The organization urges Panama to establish a plan that enables migrants to seek asylum or continue their journey freely within the country.
The situation in the Darien Gap underscores the urgent need for coordinated efforts to protect the rights and safety of migrants making this perilous journey.