Residents are concerned after an application was submitted for a home for teenagers in Hucknall. The planning application was submitted to Ashfield District Council on December 15, 2022 by the applicant Positive Independence, which provides support accommodation for young people aged 16 and over.
The organisation supports each young person with the level of support required based on their individual needs, whether that means constant staff availability or only a few hours each week. The proposed location of the site is Dale Close, Hucknall, is a residential cul-de-sac where many households are retired or have young families.
The application requests to change the use of a property from a residential building to a small care home for two children, which also includes the need for an additional parking space, five full time employees and two part time employees. A decision is expected on the planning application by mid March.
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Positive Independence will be holding a meeting on Friday, February 24 for residents to attend to ask questions and find out more about the plans and the organisation. Councillor Chris Baron, representing Hucknall West, said: "It needs to be in an appropriate place and in the middle of a residential estate is probably not the best place to put it.
"There are other locations that they could use throughout Nottinghamshire and Dale Close is not one of them, it really is not appropriate. It also means there will be a lot of traffic on a little close coming in and out at all hours of the day and night."
Many residents in the area have expressed their concerns over the proposed home, saying it could lead to a drop in house prices and a rise in traffic on a quiet cul-de-sac.
Builder Paul Eastwood, 61, said: "It's just such a quiet area." Paul explained that the area is mainly retired and older residents and "everyone stops for a chat and feels safe to be out alone."
Speaking of the application, Paul said: "They will have a four bedroom house and say it's just for two kids, but they could try and get more in. There could be bunk beds in each room so that could mean eight of them."
A woman in her 80s who lives on Dale Close said: "I live on my own and it would make a big difference to me, as it would be bringing the price of houses down and there would be a lot more traffic and this close isn't big enough.
"We don't know who's going in, we have been told two children but it could be more. It's a very big garden so will they build on the back of it we don't know.
Warehouse worker, Richard Savage, 64, said: "I just don't think it's suitable. I placed an objection and we worry that it will be a disturbance.
"Where does it stop and how may residents would it end up being. If the application went through then I don't know, we have lived here for over 20 years and it's been so peaceful."
Retired Tracy Farnath, 61, said: "The other thing is the house prices, they are going to go down as people are not going to be able to sell them. I know they have to go somewhere but I don't agree here is the right place.
"Here they will just get into mischief as there's nothing for them to do. I know so many people around here and it's a lovely little community and we want to keep it safe."

Tracy continued: "I just don't feel it's the right place. It's the middle of nowhere, it's all open spaces around here, I don't see what they will be able to do as there's nothing to keep them going and also it's a very family orientated place with lots of young families."
Machinist, Kyle Smith, 36, is also against the plans. He said: "I've signed the petition against it like everyone else. It's not a good idea for this nice area, there's other places. Just the loitering problem of whatever it across up there.
Builder Andrew Start, 43, said: "I think it's just a bad idea. If it does get approval there's going to be a lot of problems and the parking and traffic. I think if it got that bad we would end up having to move."
A 49 year old mortgage advisor said: "There's not enough information and nobody is really talking to us about what it is we are looking at here. People are worried, of course they are going to be as it's the not knowing. Another main concern is the land at the back is large, so what could be happening in the future."
An Ashfield District Council spokesperson said: “A planning application has been received to convert a house into a care home on Dale Close, Hucknall. The application is currently being processed.
"As part of the application process, residents and key stakeholders are invited to feed back their comments and concerns. A decision will be issued when all the responses and planning matters have been considered.”
MP for Sherwood, Mark Spencer, added: "I encourage everyone who has an opinion on the application to make their views known. Having spoken to the hard working Councillor Phil Rostance he tells me that he and his fellow Hucknall West Councillors, Cllr Kevin Rostance and Cllr Chris Baron, have already called the application into planning committee. Residents are invited to attend to hear the full debate and decision of Councillors."
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