Just as summer arrives, Nintendo announces a new Nintendo Direct that will likely keep Nintendo Switch players glued to their screens. Luckily with the Switch, you can play outside.
What should we expect to see announced? Well if the PlayStation Showcase and Xbox Showcase were anything to go by, the answer is games. With The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Switch owners have been treated to one of the best games of the year already, but that's not enough.
One thing we do know will be discussed during the Direct is we will see a lot more Pikmin 4. The latest instalment in the pluck and chuck series is due to land on the 21st of July, and it's about time, Pikmin 3 only came out a decade ago!
How to watch today's Nintendo Direct live
You can watch today's Nintendo Direct right here, via the video above.
Alternatively, it'll be shown live simultaneously around the world on YouTube and on Nintendo's own website.
The show starts at 3 pm BST/ 7 am PT/ 10 am ET today and is expected to last for around 40 minutes. If you're at work, maybe take lunch a bit late, or just try and be a bit sneaky!
What else could we see at Nintendo Direct?

As for other titles, my biggest hope (as always) is we see some more Pokemon. the Scarlet and Violet DLC the Teal Mask is supposedly arriving 'Fall 2023' so expect to hear about it today. Metroid Prime 4 has been strongly rumoured and anticipated for a while but there's still nothing concrete in regards to a follow-up to the 2007 (2007!) Wii title.
When it comes to the main man himself, there's not been a traditional Mario adventure since 2021's Bowser's Fury add-on for Mario 3D World. After the success of the movie, I'd be surprised if Nintendo isn't looking to capitalise on the world's most famous plumber.
Nintendo also has a host of famous franchises that haven't seen the light of day for a while, perhaps F-Zero and Star-Fox could make appearances? Hopefully, we'll also see plenty of original titles too.