An expert shopper has revealed the secrets you can use in TKMaxx to find the best bargains. The fashion and household retailer is renowned for selling items at budget process, with high-end and designer names often availablefor much lower prices.
But what some people don't know is that some items on sale in the shop are manufactured specifically for TK Maxx, reports The Mirror.
On its website, TK Maxx writes: "Some of our merchandise is manufactured for us and some we design, particularly when what we see in the marketplace isn’t the right value for our customers, meaning the right combination of brand, fashion, price and quality."
But there is a way to separate the items based on which are designer items, which have the biggest reductions and which are made specifically for TKMaxx.
There are single-digit codes located above the size on the tag of a product, which unlock all the information you need In a video uploaded to TikTok, the deals website HotUKDeals shared what the various codes mean.
Becks at HotUKDeals said: "I'm going to show you what the secret TK Maxx codes mean and the trick is all to do with the label and some specific numbers.
"You want to look for a two or a seven for the best of the best. One are usually outlet goods which aren't usually the best deals, two are usually heavily reduced and usually leftover stock and seven are designer and part of the brand's pre collection."
Filming inside the store, Becks showed a Lacoste jacket with the number seven on the tag. She explained: "So this Lacoste puffer coat has a number seven just above the size which means you've found a designer product that's been reduced from £365 to 119.99."
Becks then found a gym item with a number two on it, and said: "This Gym King top is marked a two, which means it's reduced heavily, and in this case half price."
The top comment on the video is from TK Maxx itself, and it reads: "Shhh, don't tell them our secrets."
Becks replied: "Oopsie... The people need to know!"

Here you can see the number two on a sticker label (Image: Channel 5)
Former TK Maxx employee Daniel Baker previously revealed that two is the number you want to look out for.
Speaking in a Channel 5 documentary looking at the chain's marketing tricks, he revealed: "The number that is really exciting to a customer is number two."
That means the item is "genuine excess stock" that was sold at a higher price somewhere else, so you've nabbed a good deal.