Q: I have an established artichoke plant in my backyard. I'd like to propagate it to grow more – is it possible to do this by taking cuttings?
A: Artichokes are a fantastic plant to grow in a vegetable patch, or even in a border. As well as offering a tasty harvest, they bring height and drama to an outdoor space, as well as vibrant purple color if you leave some buds to bloom.
Propagating them by taking cuttings gives you clones of the parent plant, and is easier than you might expect. Below, plant-care experts share their top tips on how and when to do it.
How to take artichoke cuttings

Kiersten Rankel, an expert from plant-care app, Greg, says to focus on the offsets, also called 'pups', that grow around the base of the mature plant. 'These offsets are small shoots with their own roots, and they’re the best candidates for propagation.
'Using a sharp, clean spade or knife, gently separate an offset from the parent plant, making sure to include a portion of its root system,' she continues.
Once you have your cutting, be sure to plant it straight away. Michael Clarke, horticulturalist and founder of online nursery Yardwork, recommends choosing a location that receives full sun and has well-draining soil.
'Add a slow-release fertilizer and layer of mulch and water well,' he says. 'If properly watered through the winter, the new artichoke plant will thrive in the spring and summer.'
Alternatively, you can plant it in a pot filled with well-draining potting mix, Kiersten adds.
Top tip: Artichokes grow large over time, so if planting in the garden, space offsets around 3ft apart.
With its sharpened blade, this rust-resistant steel spade is ideal for carefully dividing and transplanting artichokes and other perennials.
When to take artichoke cuttings

According to Kiersten, the best time to take artichoke cuttings is in the fall, just as the plant is winding down for the season. This is a good time to divide other perennial plants, too.
Missed the window? Spring is also a suitable time.
How long does it take artichoke cuttings to establish?
'Artichoke cuttings typically take six to eight weeks to establish their root systems, though this can vary depending on weather conditions and care,' says Kiersten. 'You’ll know it’s established when new growth starts appearing.'
Buds should form within one to two years, depending on the variety, she adds.
Can you propagate artichokes from seed?
While artichoke propagation via cuttings usually provides better results, you can also grow them from seed. These can be started indoors in early spring.
Michael recommends using a good quality seed-raising mix, planting seeds one-quarter-inch deep, and keeping the soil moist. 'The seeds should germinate in five to 20 days at a soil temperature of 70-80°F,' he continues. 'A heated seed-starting mat can help ensure this temperature is maintained.'
Once seedlings are well-established and the final frosts have passed, you can plant them outdoors. Remember to harden them off, first. When they're in their final position, Michael suggests fertilizing them with fish emulsion.
If you love the idea of growing even more tasty crops for free, you'll be pleased to hear there are plenty of other vegetables you can grow from cuttings, as our guide reveals.