Wondering how to get rid of those blue paragraph symbols, also known as pilcrows, that have suddenly appeared on your Google Doc? Don't worry! We've discovered an easy shortcut you can use to get rid of them promptly.
I've been in your shoes before. While minding my own business and typing up an article in Google Docs, I was thrown aback when I suddenly saw a cornucopia of blue paragraph markers. I figured a quick press of undo would do the trick, but unfortunately, it didn't work. Fortunately, a co-worker of mine knew exactly how to remedy the situation.

How to remove blue paragraph symbols in Google Docs
1. Find the CTRL, SHIFT and P keys on your keyboard.
2. Press CTRL + SHIFT + P simultaneously.
3. The pesky blue paragraphs should now be gone for good!
Whether you call them pilcrows, paragraph symbols, or you just prefer to call them the backwards P markers, they will no longer be a pain in your year.
Note: For Mac users, try Command + Shift + P.