Of all the ways to play card games and to gamble, poker is perhaps the oldest and best-known of all.
Poker has grown to become one of the most popular card games in the world, offered in almost every brick-and-mortar and online casino in the world.
The game has developed to encompass many different variations and ways to play, from Texas Hold’em to Omaha and Seven-Card Stud, with each version based on a combination of skill, strategy, and chance.
Poker is a game enjoyed by many who know how to play, but learning the game can seem like a daunting prospect for those who do not know.
We’ve compiled a guide to playing poker, as well as explaining the rules, specific terminology and some handy tips for how to play poker online.
Poker basics: How the game works
Poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, with cards dealt to all players. The objective of the game is to win chips or money by either having the best hand, or convincing other players to fold.
Players must make the best possible hand using both their own face down hole cards and community cards – these are cards which are dealt face up in the center of the table and shared by all players. Note that different games have different numbers of cards dealt to each player.
Players bet against each other, effectively wagering that they have the best hand on the table. Players can bet, raise the bet, bluff on the value of their hand, or fold and withdraw from the round (in addition to more actions, which are explained below).
The player with the best hand wins the pot – the rankings of different hands are explained below too.
Poker hand rankings
Below, we have listed different poker hands from ‘worst’ to the ‘best’, and provided an explanation of what the hand signifies.
High card: This is the name for a hand in which no two cards match. The ‘high card’ is simply the highest card you have.
One pair: This is self-explanatory, and used for when your hand contains just one pair.
Two pair: The same as above, but for two pairs rather than one.
Three of a kind: This hand contains three cards of the same value, plus two others which are not paired. An example would be a hand with three 8s, a 6 and a King.
Straight: This hand contains a basic numerical sequence of five cards that are different suits.
Flush: A flush is a hand that contains five cards that are all of the same suit.
Full house: A full house is a hand that contains a three of a kind as well as a pair. An example would be a hand with three 8s and two Queens.
Four of a kind: A four of a kind simply contains four cards of the same value.
Straight flush: This hand contains five cards in a row that are all of the same suit. An example would be a hand with 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, all of which were Spades.
Royal flush: A royal flush is a hand in which the player has Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 all in the same suit. It is the strongest and rarest hand in poker.
The most popular poker variations
The most common forms of poker that you will likely come across – especially as a beginner – are Texas Hold’em, Omaha and Seven-Card Stud. We have provided a brief overview of each variation below.
Texas Hold’em: This is the most popular poker game in the world, and it is often used in tournaments and online poker. This is also the most ‘straightforward’ of the variations, using the rules and terms outlined above. Two cards, known as hole cards, are dealt face-down to each player, and then five community cards are dealt face-up in three stages. The aim is to get the best five-card poker hand from any combination of the seven cards – the five community cards and the two hole cards.
Omaha: This is another popular version of poker that is similar to Texas Hold’em, but players are dealt four hole cards rather than two, and they must make the best hand using exactly two of them, plus the three community cards.
Seven-Card Stud: This is an older version of poker, which was one of the most popular forms before the increased popularity of Texas Hold ‘Em throughout the 2000s. Players are dealt seven cards, but only the best five-card hand counts.
How to play Texas Hold’em
Here is mini-explanation of how to play poker in the form of Texas Hold’em, featuring a short step-by-step guide on poker’s most well-known variant.
Step 1: Dealing the cards. The hole cards are dealt to each player. Each player receives two hole cards.
Step 2: The betting rounds begin, starting with the pre-flop, then the flop, turn and river in that order. Bets are made before the first three, four, and final cards are dealt. After the river card is dealt, the remaining players make their final bets and folds.
During these rounds, players have the options to bet, raise, call, check and fold, depending on their strategy and the cards they were dealt.
Step 3: The showdown. The hands are now compared to determine a winner. After this, the round finishes and the next round begins.
Betting rules and structure
There are several basic poker betting structures, as well as some betting-related terms, that require an explanation if you are a beginner. We have compiled details on the most common betting structures and their related terms below.
Fixed-limit: In games with fixed-limit betting structures, players can only bet a fixed amount. There are usually two set betting amounts, called the ‘small bets’ and the ‘big bets’, and betting is limited to each round.
Pot-limit: This structure restricts the size of bets to the size of the pot. You can’t bet more than the amount in the pot, and you can’t go ‘all-in’ either.
No-limit: Players can bet any amount up to their entire stack – there is no limit to the bet size, as long as you have the chips for it. This type of game allows for a player to bet or raise all-in pre-flop or post-flop, after the turn, or after the river.
Another relevant term that you will come across is ‘blinds’. The small blind is the player sitting left of the dealer – they are required to place a bet before players have seen their cards, and this bet must be at least equivalent to half of the small bet limit at the table.
The big blind is the player to the left of the small blind, and they are required to place a bet that is equivalent to the small bet at the table (also before players have seen their cards).
An ante is another forced betting structure, and it is a forced bet in which every player puts an equal amount of money into the pot before the deal begins. This provides an incentive to play rather than fold, as players who fold every time will then start to lose their ante money.
Basic poker strategies for beginners
Though poker is too complicated a game to offer proven strategies to beginners, there are some simple, effective strategies for new poker players, and we have provided some detail on them below.
Controlled aggression: New players should focus on playing strong hands, but bet aggressively when you do have a good hand.
Understand position: It is important to remember that where you are sitting relative to the dealer will impact your overall game, as it can provide more bluffing opportunities, more free cards, the ability to see your opponents’ actions before you make one, and opportunities for pot control and calculating the pot.
Bluffing: Bluffing is a key part of poker strategy, but beginners should only use this position rarely, especially until you feel you’ve got the hang of the technique.
Bankroll management: As with any online casino game, it is important to manage how much money you are bringing to the table, making sure to never bet more than you can afford to lose.
Common poker terms
Below, we’ve run through some common basic poker terms to help beginners understand poker language.
Check: This means to place no additional bet. It is akin to ‘skipping your go’, as the action passes to the next player. You cannot check if a bet occurs before your turn in the round, but if every active player decides to check during a betting round, that round is then completed.
Call: Once a bet has been placed, other players have the option to ‘call’ it, which means to match the bet in order to continue playing the hand.
Raise: The term used when a player wants to increase the size of the initial bet.
Fold: To discard your cards face down and take no further part in the hand.
Flop: The second round of betting, in which the first three face-up cards are dealt to the centre of the table.
Turn: After the flop, or second round, ends, a single community card (called the turn) is dealt, and the third round begins.
River: The river is the fifth and final community card dealt in a game. Also known as the final card.
Bluff: A bluff is a technique in which a player makes a bet or raise in an attempt to make an opponent fold a hand that is better than yours.
Pot: The pot refers to the sum of money that players wager, whether that be in a single hand or the game itself.
Stack: The stack is the amount of chips you have in front of you. It can also be used to refer to one-fifth of the rack (the tray used to hold chips).
All-in: Going ‘all-in’ simply means betting all of your remaining chips.
Ante: The ante is a forced bet made at the start of each round.
Showdown: A showdown is a situation in which players expose and compare their hands to determine the winner. This happens if more than one player remains after the last betting round.
Playing poker online vs in-person
There are several key differences to note between playing poker in-person at a live table and playing online at the best poker sites.
With online poker, the easier access and faster games make for a more fast-paced overall experience, while players have the ability to play multiple tables.
It’s easier to access different variations of the game, and rules around betting and amounts may also be different. Online poker sites allow users to use a variety of payment methods, offering greater flexibility through PayPal casinos and pay by mobile casinos for example.
Users can also gain access to casino bonuses and other benefits of using poker products when signing up to a new casino site. Overall, it is probably easier to learn how to play online poker.
Perhaps the biggest difference comes when playing poker in-person though, as a crucial part of the in-person game is the ability to read your opponents’ physical tells (and their ability to read yours), therefore making the game a lot more strategy-based, with more influence on factors such as bluffing. In addition, in-person games usually last far longer.
Overall win rates can be larger in live poker games, but you will likely make more money per hour in online games.
Tips for improving your poker game
If you are just starting out on your poker journey, the best thing to do is to practice. Make sure to study different strategies, and watch experienced players in action where possible too. In addition, memorise the best hands and card combinations, and study probability percentages so that you better understand how to play your hole cards.
Both online casinos and new online casinos both offer customers the chance to play free games. Using these free games or low-stakes rooms at first, so that you can try out different strategies and play without losing funds. It goes without saying that you should try and avoid experienced players if you are new to playing online.
Responsible gambling
Gambling is a form of entertainment, not a way to make money. Please remember to play responsibly when you engage with gambling sites – this means having a budget in mind and sticking to it.
Poker is a game that can be difficult to get to grips with at first, so remember to never wager more than you can afford to lose, and never chase your losses.
In addition, take steps to remain in control of your budget. If necessary, make use of the various responsible gambling tools offered by online casinos, including deposit limits, loss limits, self-exclusion and time-outs.
If you have to seek help for gambling issues, there is support and additional information available on the websites of the following charities and healthcare providers:
Summary: How to play poker
Beginners must study the rules of poker games along with the different terminology and read strategies before playing.
New players should practice to gradually build their understanding of the game. Though luck is involved, poker is still a game based on skills that rewards patience, discipline, and study. Firstly, learn how to play poker before delving into games.
Once you have learned poker rules and how your chosen game works, take care to also memorise the various terms, including what you can and can’t do on a turn – for example, betting, raising, calling and folding.
You should always be aware of poker hand rankings, so that you are aware of how good your hand is when you play.
Once you learn how to play poker take into account the styles of playing in-person and online. There are advantages to both. Finally, remember to gamble responsibly – poker is not a way to make money, no matter how good you eventually get.
How to play poker FAQs
How can you win a poker game?
The objective of the game is to win chips or money, and this is done either by having the best hand, or by convincing other players to fold if your hand is worse. The game as a whole is won when no other player has any chips remaining to bet.
What is the best hand you can be dealt in poker?
The best hand in poker is a royal flush, which consists of five cards that are all the same suit and sequence. For example, you may get Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 all in Hearts. The second and third best hands are referred to as a straight flush and a four of a kind.
What types of poker are available online?
There are several variations of poker available at online casinos in the UK, though the most popular form is Texas Hold’em. Other popular types of online poker include Omaha (sometimes called Omaha Hold’em) and Seven-Card Stud, both of which operate slightly differently.
How much can you bet in poker online?
The amount that you can bet depends on the type of game you are playing. There are three standard types of betting structure, which are fixed-limit, pot-limit and no-limit games. In the former, players can only bet a fixed amount, while in the latter, there is no limit as long as you have the required number of chips.
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