Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. My body on the other hand is probably 40% water and 20% Akabanga. A friend recently gave me a bottle of Rwandan chilli oil (the catchy name means “little secret” in Kinyarwanda) and I have been obsessed with it ever since. It is the holy grail of hot sauces – fiery but not overpowering – and I put it on everything. It pains me that I didn’t know about it for so long. Still, now I know the secret to a spicier life and you do too. I’ll let you in on another secret: there are plenty of small things that make every day life a lot better. Here are nine more.
1 Putting your ice-cream in a fancy goblet or wine glass. It makes it taste 10,000 times better than eating it out of a boring old bowl, trust me. The ice-cream-eating experience is instantly elevated; transformed from a snack into an occasion.
2 Having a nice cup of tea. A cliche, obviously, but still true. It’s made even better when you loudly say “ahh” after the first sip.
3 Sticking a stimulant up your nose. Not the illegal kind – what do you take me for? No, I’m talking about a herbal nasal inhaler called Poy-Sian which is very popular in Thailand where it is apparently the ultimate “uncle” accessory. (Yes, I know it sounds like “poison” – someone should probably have a word with their marketing team about that.) Smell is one of the quickest (legal) ways to alter your mood and the eucalyptus and menthol mix in Poy-Sian perks me right up. You obviously don’t have to stick something up your nose to achieve the same effect. You can just get some dried lavender or burn a scented candle.
4 Reading a poem. Poetry is literary Poy-Sian. It’s a potent hit of inspiration that can immediately alter your mood. A lot of people, myself included, complain that they don’t have time to read but everyone has time to read a poem. You can read Ozymandias, for example, in just 17 seconds.
5 Forcing yourself to go on a little walk every day. Annoyingly, what they say about fresh air and exercise is true: it really does make you feel good.
6 A freshly made bed. Putting on a duvet cover is a special sort of hell. Slipping into crisp, freshly laundered sheets, however, is heaven.
7 Rolling down a hill. You probably haven’t done it since childhood but give it a go: it offers an instant dopamine rush and will make you feel young again. Just check for dog poo first.
8 Learning some basic home improvement skills. The time I fixed a kitchen cupboard is probably in my Top 10 proudest moments.
9 Learn how to take a compliment. Don’t squirm with embarrassment. Don’t overthink it. Just say: “Thank you!” You’re welcome.
• Arwa Mahdawi is a Guardian columnist