The iPhone 16 is shipping today, and if you're lucky enough to get one and power it up, this tip could save you hours before you get to actually use it: Use 'Download from iCloud' – NOT 'Transfer from iPhone' if you can avoid it.
This is the screen that gives you the choice – the choice which will cost me two and a half more hours not trying my new phone (but at least getting the time to share this tip):

The iPhone transfer process is remarkably easy, especially if you've gone via the Apple Store which even opens up unlimited use of the Apple iCloud with no extra charge while you handle the process, so there is no worry about needing storage space or paying for fees.
I actually did my backup this morning before I had some appointments to handle, and on the way back I swung by the Apple Store (even had I not had other plans, Apple's computer didn't offer me a super early slot – when I got there queuing was minimal, orderly, and brief, but there was no clapping honor guard like the iPhone 1!)
When I got home I was more excited by the packaged sushi I'd bought, but eventually, I turned to the phone, and something in my mind said "Transfer from iPhone' seems more 'real' than the cloud. I remember finding a lot of apps needing security settings the last time I used the cloud approach, so I chose the latter.
(Actually, even worse, I first looked a 'Other Options' which is a whole other rabbit hole – leave that well alone unless you want to reset – there was no 'back' to this page!)
Anyway, I could live with 45-55 minutes (my old iPhone is 512GB, so that sounded pretty impressive to me on a wireless connection).
I was right, it was too impressive.
As soon as it started it rocketed up to "About 2 hours" then "About 3 hours".
Not only that but I don't think it'll fix the need to reset any security settings by hand for more secure apps – even before the file transfer started I've already been asked for bank details for my Apple Pay cards.
So, my advice? Use the Download from iCloud for your best iPhone. I did last year and, sure, not every app is working straight away (they come on stream as they download) but, well, you get to play a lot sooner.
Still, I guess you've got time to read about the best iPhone 16 Pro Case or iPhone 16 Pro Max case.