Wondering how to get rid of a cold sore? Although these normally clear up on their own, cold sores can be painful while they heal. We've asked dermatologists, GPs, and virus specialists to recommend natural remedies and treatments to help soothe discomfort and promote healing.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), a common infection. As many as seven in 10 people in the UK are infected by HSV1 and experience a cold sore break out when they feel run down, stressed, or are exposed to UV light.
Many people seek winter health tips on how to get rid of a cold sore as the "harsh winds tend to dry out the lips" in the cold months, says Dr Anjali Mahto of the British Association of Dermatologists. This can lead to the reactivation of the herpes simplex virus; the cause of cold sores. A lack of vitamin D is also a common problem during darker and colder months, weakening the immune system and resulting in more frequent outbreaks," she explains. Other triggers include injury to the area and hormonal changes, such as perimenopause.
How to get rid of a cold sore
1. Put a cold compress on the cold sore
"A cool compress can help speed along the healing process," says Dr Mahto. "It works by reducing inflammation and the pain associated with it."
It can also help prevent a cold-sore outbreak in the first place, says Marian Nicholson, the director of the Herpes Virus Association. "Hold an ice cube off and on the skin for 30 minutes, or try a pack of frozen peas."
2. Lemon balm
Essential oils have been used medicinally for centuries, and lemon balm is one such oil thought to ease cold sores as the leaves contain a plant chemical called terpenes, which may have antiviral properties.
"My favourite is lemon balm (melissa officinalis)," says Nicholson. "Research from the University of Heidelberg shows it has molecules to block the virus from getting into the skin cells. Apply lemon balm cream such as Lomaherpan well into the place where you feel the cold sore coming about five times a day to prevent the sore."
The NHS recommends you avoid rubbing creams into a cold sore and dab them on instead.
3. Used tea bags
You can also try a humble tea bag - yes really! Nicholson says that as well as acting as a cold compress to reduce inflammation and redness there's evidence to suggest that terpenes – the same active ingredient in lemon balm and an active ingredient in tea – can promote healing.
"A cold damp tea bag may be a bit messy but the terpenes in tea are effective," says Nicholson. Terpenes are naturally occurring compounds with several medicinal qualities, including antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
4. Petroleum jelly
As far as healing salves go, you can't do much better than Vaseline. Using a mineral-based barrier like petroleum jelly can help seal in moisture and keep the skin protected while it heals.
Dr Mahto says: "Using a greasy moisturising cream on the skin like petroleum jelly can help rid of cold sores faster."
5. Salt water
Saltwater is an age-old cure-all, thanks to its mineral content. We gargle it to soothe a sore throat, use it for cold remedies, and it may also help heal cold sores. "Washing the area gently with salt water can help," says Dr Mahto. "Though remember to dry the area gently but thoroughly after washing."
Saltwater can affect the environment around the cold sore, making it harder for the virus to thrive.
However, the NHS warns against consuming "acidic or salty food if it makes your cold sore feel worse". If it feels uncomfortable or painful at any time, stop using the salt water and consult a medical practitioner.

6. Take care of yourself
"Once the cold sore has broken your skin and caused a blister, it will only get better when your body has built new skin cells to fill the hole," explains Nicholson. "This will be quicker if you get enough sleep, eat good food and don’t do anything 'bad' for your body," she says.
This means avoiding known triggers for cold sores, like sunbeds and UV light sources, using a lip balm with SPF when you're outside, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding behaviours that can weaken your immune system - even temporarily. This may mean drinking less alcohol or taking a break from drinking completely, doing regular moderate-intensity exercise (perhaps treadmill workouts over walking outdoors to minimise the impact of cold weather), and minimising stress where possible.
How long does a cold sore normally last?
A virus outbreak can cause painful sores or blisters to develop on the face, lasting for between 10 to 14 days before clearing up on their own. Resting, eating plenty of nutritious foods, sleeping well, minimising stress, and doing some moderate exercise may help speed up the healing process.
Dr Mahto says: "If you're getting cold sores frequently, visit your GP to see if you can get antiviral prescription tablets."
Remember that cold sores are contagious from the moment you first feel tingling or other signs of a cold sore coming on. Avoid kissing anyone (especially children and babies, who are particularly at risk) while you have a cold sore, and don't share towels, cutlery, make-up, lip balm or anything that may have come into contact with your cold sore until it has completely healed.
Can toothpaste remove cold sores?
No, toothpaste is not a proven treatment for cold sores and some of the ingredients in regular toothpaste may worsen the cold sore, leading to more blisters, pain, scarring, and new infections.
Some people believe it helps because many types of toothpaste contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which some very limited research suggests can help ease cold sores when combined with other ingredients. However, the other ingredients in toothpaste counteract potential benefits by irritating the skin.
When to see a doctor about cold sores
- If your cold sore has not started to heal within 10 days.
- If you're unsure that is in fact a cold sore or think it's something else (as some serious skin lesions can look similar to cold sores).
- You find the lesion or sore covers a large area or is more painful than expected.
- You find that your gums are either swollen or painful or the sore is present inside the mouth (gingivostomatitis).
- If you have any condition that means you may have a weak immune system, e.g. for those being treated with chemotherapy.