Whether you’ve been decorating, upcycling some furniture, or simply getting into the arts, you may have unfortunately found yourself searching for how to get paint off hardwood floors. You may have put down a ground sheet, laid out some magazines, or have been as careful as possible, but paint seems to always land in spots it shouldn't.
And unfortunately, cleaning it up is not as easy as wiping it away with a cloth. In fact, paint can dry within seconds, sticking to and staining whichever surface it’s on, especially if it’s hardwood flooring. But with the right tools and techniques, and a little patience, there are ways you can remove paint without damage.
To keep your hardwood floors clean and protect them from potential damage we’ve spoken to a cleaning professional for expert advice. So grab your best steam mop, and follow this step-by-step guide to have your floors paint-free in no time.
How to get paint off hardwood floors
Getting paint off hardwood floors can be more difficult than it seems. Cleaning expert Matthew Harrison from PriceYourJob offers his tips and tricks to clean floors:
1. Determine the type of paint
Before anything, Harrison argues, the key to removing paint from wood floors is to “determine the type of paint on the floor. This will affect the cleaning method.” Whether the paint is water-based, latex, or oil-based will require different ways of removal.
If you’re not sure which type of paint is on the floor, Harrison advises to “put a bit of rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball before gently rubbing it over the paint." If any of the paint comes off, this means it is water or latex-based. If no paint comes off, it is oil-based paint.
2. Clean with soap and water
If you have spilt water-based paint then, good news, you can easily clean it with soap and water. To do so, you can fill a bucket with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Simply rub the damp cloth in the direction of the wood grain and allow the paint to soften. If the paint feels loose but isn't coming off Harrison suggests using a paint scraper or sandpaper to gently scrape it away, without using too much pressure in case of scratching the floor.
3. Add rubbing alcohol and lemon juice
If the methods above don’t work, you can use a rubbing alcohol mixture to remove paint from your hardwood floors. To do so, you’ll need to make a mixture of three parts rubbing alcohol, and one part lemon juice. Harrison then states you should “use a rag to cover the paint with the mixture and let it sit for around five minutes. Then scrub the paint off.”
4. Apply heat
You can use heat as an additional step if the paint still isn't coming off. This will soften the paint for it to be lifted. You can use a steam mop to do so, or a hair dryer for more intense heat.
5. Use paint stripper
If the paint is oil-based or any of the previous methods haven't worked, then you can purchase a paint stripper from any DIY store. Use a rag to apply the paint-removing solution to the floor and it should dissolve.
How to protect hardwood floors
There are ways you can protect hardwood floors from becoming dirty or damaged in the first place. These include limiting the amount of traffic on your hardwood floors, like not allowing anyone to walk with high heels or letting pets roam freely, for example.
But more importantly, all hardwood floors should be sealed. Polyurethane varnish is often used by flooring professionals, but oil and shellac can also be used. Cleaning your floors regularly will also help them to last longer. However, “over-cleaning can sometimes run the risk of damaging hardwood floors if they get too wet too often and struggle to dry properly.”
How to keep hardwood floors clean
Keeping hardwood floors clean can be tasking. We get it. It’s a chore that can often get left behind, but follow these simple steps and you can easily keep your hardwood floors clean, correctly:
1. Dust your floors
Make sure any large pieces of debris are removed before vacuuming away any dust, crumbs, and detritus that will only end up being pushed around the room during the next step; mopping.
2. Steam mop
Using a steam mop is the most effective way to clean hardwood floors. They use heat and fine fibers to deal with potential small cracks and tight corners in hardwood floors. You can use an average wet mop too.
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