The Resident Evil 4 weapons in the Remake vary, but the best weapons are probably the Red9, Riot Shotgun and Stingray, with different locations across the game. Some guns in RE4 are found at the Merchant's shop and have to be bought with either Pesetas or Spinels, while others are found in the world as hidden treasure or rewards for difficult challenges. Don't worry though - we'll show you how to get every weapon in the Resident Evil 4 Remake below, as well as the best weapons to have in your inventory generally.
Best Resident Evil 4 weapons in the Remake

We'll go through everything below but if you just want to know what the best weapons in the Resident Evil 4 Remake are, here's our selection from each category (with challenge reward weapons omitted, because they're only accessible on later playthroughs and inevitably, obviously better).
- Best Knife: Fighting Knife
- Best Handgun: Red9 (with stock)
- Best Shotgun: Riot Gun
- Best Rifle: Stingray
- Best Submachine Gun: LE 5
- Best Magnum: Killer7
- Best Misc. weapon: Rocket Launcher
Of course, that doesn't mean you should have all these weapons on you at once, as your inventory space wouldn't allow it. Instead, pick the weapon types that appeal to you most, as well as considering what you actually have ammunition for.
All weapons in Resident Evil 4 Remake

There are 22 weapons in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, not including disposable weapons that can be found, like the Boot Knife and Hand Grenade. Not only that, but these weapons and guns can all be broken into categories, usually depending on what ammo they consume. We've gone through the game ourselves and can tell you how to get every single gun in the RE4 Remake, including locations, prices and what chapter they unlock in.
- Knives
- Handguns
- Shotguns
- Rifles
- Submachine Guns
- Magnums
- Misc
You can click on any of these weapons to find out how to get it, and how good it is, or just scroll down for the full list in order.
It's important to know which guns are best in Resident Evil 4, as the limited inventory space means that you can only carry a few on you at one time, to say nothing of the limited ammo available for each one. That's why you can find beneath all that our evaluations of the best weapons in the game, arranged by category (the best pistol, best shotgun, etc).
All Resident Evil 4 Knives
Knives in RE4 are used more defensively than anything else, a means to parry attacks and break dangerous chokeholds. The game offers all manner of temporary blades - the Kitchen Knife and the Boot Knife, for example - but those that can be upgraded and repaired with the Merchant, as well as being placed in storage, are as follows:
Combat Knife (starting knife)

- Location: N/A
- Unlocked in Chapter: 1
The simplest of the longer-lasting knives but still the one you'll mainly be using, the Combat Knife is Leon's default model, and the one you start the game with. You can repair and upgrade it with the Merchant, and your priority for upgrades should definitely be durability.
Fighting Knife

- Location: A reward for defeating Krauser
- Unlocked in Chapter: 14
The fighting knife is found on the body of Krauser after defeating him, and while it's a little less durable than the Combat Knife, it has a far greater damage per-hit, if you enjoy that sort of thing, with its starting power of 1.00 equal to a fully-upgraded Combat Knife.
Primal Knife

- Location: Challenge Reward/Extra Content Shop (1,000 CP)
- Unlocked in Chapter: N/A
The Primal Knife is a reward for finding all the Clockwork Castellan Dolls and destroying them, at which point it will become a purchase in the main menu of the Extra Content Shop for 1,000 CP.
All Resident Evil 4 Handguns
Handguns and/or pistols are the backbone of any weapon set in Resident Evil 4, as they're the weapon for which ammo is most plentiful, and can still be pretty powerful in the right hands. They're also one of the most diverse weapon types, with a variety of advantages and effects.
SG-09 R (starting handgun)

- Location: N/A
- Unlocked in Chapter: 1
The starting SG-09 R pistol is fine enough early on, but you'll want to cycle it out when you get the opportunity, as there's little reason to keep it once other handguns become available.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (5 Spinels)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 2
Available when you first meet the Merchant in the Trade section, the Punisher costs 5 Spinels and focuses on penetration and accuracy, punching through opponents, and is compatible with the Laser Sight attachment.

- Location: Abandoned Boat in the Lake
- Unlocked in Chapter: 4
After killing Del Lago and earning full access to the Lake and boat, players can drive it over to the dilapidated ship in the centre of the Lake itself and find a chest at the front with the Red9 inside, a handgun that offers huge power at the cost of reduced control - at least until you slap a Stock on it.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (24,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 7
After reaching the Castle, the Merchant will have this pistol for sale. It doesn't really have a gimmick or niche, it's a generally better version of the starting handgun that upgrades to a solid rate of fire, and takes up much less space in the attache case - only 2x2 squares.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (10 Spinels)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 9
The Matilda is a trade option at the Merchant's Shop in Chapter 9, after the hedge maze. It's a weapon that narrows the gaps between pistols and SMGs, as it's a fast firing handgun that actually shoots three-round bursts when a stock is attached to it.
All Resident Evil 4 shotguns
There are three shotguns in the RE4 Remake, and the first of these can be snatched up pretty early. It's always good to have a shotgun of some sort in your armoury, as they do a lot of damage, ammo for them is plentiful, and enemies like wandering into close range. Here's where you can find them all.

- Location: Defendable house in the Village Square
- Unlocked in Chapter: 1
The first shotgun is part of how to survive the village in Resident Evil 4, and is a huge advantage in doing so. It's hanging on a wall upstairs in the defendable house in the Northeast Village Square marked above, and can be obtained after the sequence is over if you missed it the first time around.
Riot Gun

- Location: Merchant's Shop (28,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 6
Our favourite shotgun, the Riot Gun is for sale at the Merchant's Store after the sequence where you defend the house with Luis. You should absolutely buy it - it's got a higher damage and range than the standard model, and can punch holes in foes from a decent range.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (38,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 10
After playing as Ashley in the castle sequence, returning to Leon will add new stock to the Merchant's selection, including this high-damage shotgun. Though deadly, the Striker actually has a very short range that some might find limiting, though its wide spread makes it incredibly destructive when fired into a crowd.
All Resident Evil 4 rifles
At the other end of the scale from shotguns, rifles are all about long range power and hitting weak points, like heads and exposed parasites. They can also be outfitted with various scopes, which makes them harder to use up-close, but capable of bursting skulls at range.
SR M1903

- Location: Merchant's Shop (12,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 2
The first rifle at the Merchant's shop after escaping capture with Luis, and comes bundled with a free scope you can attach or detach. It's designed for long range, and while it has a slow rate of fire, it's devastating on headshots, and better than the Bolt Thrower that opens up at the same time.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (30,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 7
Probably the best rifle on the market, the Stingray is about high power, precision, and a good rate of fire. If you enjoy the regular bolt-action rifle, drop it in favour of this at the first chance, as it's a generally better weapon that does huge damage on enemy weak points.
CQBR Assault Rifle

- Location: South Castle Library, behind Cubic Device Lock
- Unlocked in Chapter: 10
After playing as Ashley with the Lantern and later regaining control of Leon, head to the library and the raised mezzanine on its south side (there'll still be armoured knights here). Using the cubic device on the East wall will open it up, revealing the game's only proper assault rifle. Despite being powerful, the CQBR actually isn't great, as it chews through the fairly rare rifle ammo and jumps around a lot, so landing precision shots is difficult. Maybe stick with the Stingray for now.
All Resident Evil 4 Submachine Guns
The few SMGs you can find in the RE4 Remake do a lot of damage at the cost of sacrificing control, spraying bullets all over the place. They can be pretty effective on crowds though, as a kind of "special occasions" pistol or shotgun alternative.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (10,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 3
The first SMG is sold by the Merchant in Chapter 3, after the encounter with Mendez in the Village Chief's House. The TMP doesn't control very well, but does effectively spray ammo, and can be compensated for by buying the associated stock.
LE 5

- Location: Regenerador Facility Freezer
- Unlocked in Chapter: 13
Locked behind an optional power calibration puzzle like you've done several times already at this point, the LE 5 is in the Northern Freezer room, in the refrigerated facility where you encounter all the freakishly floppy Regeneradors. Make sure you've sent power to this section of the facility and then key in the code laid out above to access this more controlled, reliable alternative to the TMP.
Chicago Sweeper

- Location: Challenge Reward/Extra Content Shop (1,000 CP)
- Unlocked in Chapter: N/A
If you complete the main game, unlock professional mode, then complete THAT with an A rank or higher, you'll complete the "Leon A. Kennedy" challenge and get access to this prohibition-era tommy gun in the store.
All Resident Evil 4 Magnums
There's three Magnums in the RE4 Remake, though all but the most diehard players will have to be satisfied with two of them, as the third is behind a serious skill wall. Magnums are high-power weapons with massive recoil and even greater damage, but their rare ammo means they're best saved for boss fights.
Broken Butterfly

- Location: Merchant's Shop (38,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 7
The first of the deadly magnum pistols, the Broken Butterfly is actually heavily discounted the first time you see it in the Merchant's stock, knocked down to 29,400 and with the magnum ammo crafting recipe thrown in for free. We recommend getting it here if you plan on getting it at all, considering buying both later will cost nearly fifty grand total.

- Location: Merchant's Shop (77,700 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 13
On sale in the Merchant's Shop after clearing the castle and getting a boat ride to the Wharf, the Killer7 is a much more controllable magnum with high penetration and a built-in laser sight, and is a generally better alternative to the Broken Butterfly.

- Location: Challenge Reward/Extra Content Shop (1,000 CP)
- Unlocked in Chapter: N/A
Like the Chicago Sweeper and Primal Knife, the Handcannon is a magnum gated off behind a challenge and won't be accessible until at least your third playthrough, as you need to get the "Professional Agent" challenge and beat the game on Professional Mode without using any bonus weapons, at which point it'll unlock in the Extra Content Shop.
Miscellaneous Resident Evil 4 weapons
Here we have the two outliers in term of RE4 weapons, that use their own ammo and generally stick out from the crowd to be a little less quantifiable.
Bolt Thrower

- Location: Merchant's Shop (10,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 2
The Bolt Thrower is a silent crossbow with reusable projectiles, sold at the Merchant's Shop with the rifle after escaping being chained to Luis in Chapter 2… and it's not very good, at least by our estimation. The bolts don't do much damage, they drop off too drastically, and while you can stick mines to them to bolster the effect later, that destroys the bolt permanently, and there aren't many around.
Rocket Launcher

- Location: Merchant's Shop (80,000 Pesetas)
- Unlocked in Chapter: 4
After killing Del Lago, this weapon becomes available for sale at the Merchant's Shop. However, it's more of a gimmick on your first playthrough as it's a single use weapon you won't find more ammo for. It's basically a means to skip any encounter, so if a boss is giving you trouble, buy this weapon, use it on them, and it'll be over immediately. However, if you start a second playthrough, the Merchant will have a rocket launcher with infinite ammo for sale, which is a whole other thing.
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