One of the greatest things about being at the Masters is that you won't be packed in like sardines, which is a problem at many other big sporting events. That's because there are only about 40,000 patrons a day in attendance.
There is a downside, though - demand outweighs supply by some distance, which means tickets are not easy to come by.
But how difficult is it? Well, according to bookies.com, the odds of securing a ticket to a tournament day are somewhere in the region of 1/200. Don't let that put you off going through the application process, though. After all, you've got to be in it to win it.
Incidentally, using the official application process really is the best way to secure a ticket because, as the official Masters website states: "Augusta National, Inc. is the only authorized source/seller of Masters tickets. The resale of any Masters ticket is strictly prohibited. Holders of tickets acquired from third parties, by whatever means, may be excluded from attendance to the tournament."
The Lottery Opens On 1 June
With that cleared up, it's time to get prepared. The Masters uses a lottery process to allocate its tickets, and that has yet to open. Set a reminder on your phone, though, because applications for tickets begin on 1 June and continue through 20 June.
Before then, it's a good idea to get organized by logging on and creating an account at tickets.masters.com. This is an essential part of the process, as you can’t apply for tickets without having an account. Thankfully, it’s very straightforward – just enter a few mandatory fields and you’re ready to apply when the lottery opens.

So, what does the application process entail? Well, you can select which days you’d like tickets for, which includes practice and tournament days. Even though the odds of being successful are very slim, this process will still give you goosebumps!
Email confirmation from tickets@email.augustanational.com will come through promptly, although this is just a summary of your application. After that, it's a case of waiting.
You'll find out whether you’ve been successful around mid-July. for those who are, it's time to celebrate, while the rest (most of us) will shed a tear or two. The lucky ones will then have about three weeks to pay.
Not that any email from Augusta National could ever be considered spam, but do keep an eye on your junk folder. Imagine casually checking your spam months later and seeing that you were one of the lucky ones - it doesn't bear thinking about!

In case you're thinking of buying off a scalper (ticket tout) near Augusta, maybe think again. There are many cautionary stories of people who have been scammed over the years. The ticket ‘stands’ on Washington Road might give the impression that you can swap and buy tickets as easily as a village festival, but this isn’t really the case.
Our advice is to take your chance in the lottery when that opens on 1 June. Good luck!
How Much Do Masters Tickets Cost?
Considering how prestigious The Masters is, the ticket costs are very reasonable compared to other big sporting events.
Anyone securing a ticket for one of the three practice round days (Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday) in 2024 was charged $100 "plus any appropriate shipping and handling, if applicable."
Predictably, tournament tickets are more expensive, but not by that much. Tickets for the 2024 edition cost $140 plus the same shipping and handling costs.