The Division 2 is getting a new vendor with the release of Title Update 20.1 (TU 20.1) on Tuesday, February 20, finally giving players a real way to spend their Textiles currency every week.
Up to now, Textiles have been able to buy a small selection of in-game cosmetics through the store, but most of the best ones have been held behind real cash. As a result, players have built up a ridiculous stash of Textiles with nothing to actually use them on.
That changes when Danny Weaver joins the game in TU 20.1, offering a limited quantity of caches for purchase in exchange for Textiles every week. He'll be a wandering vendor, similar to the Gun Runner, Cassie Mendoza, popping up in a different location on the map every week. But we do at least now know how we'll be able to find him.
How to find the Textiles Vendor in The Division 2

At the time of writing this post, TU 20.1 hasn't gone live, but an early look at the patch notes gives us the information that we need to know on how to find the Textiles Vendor every week.
It isn't too difficult, but it's also not a case of just opening up the map and going to a location. Danny Weaver, like Cassie Mendoza, won't just be visible on the world map each week. You have to find him.
However, the good news is that you'll be able to find both the Gun Runner and the Textiles Vendor at the same time. They're not necessarily in the same location, but you have to find The Snitch to get to both vendors now.
The Snitch location changes every week, too, though by now there are enough resources available on the web to help you narrow down where to find him. Finding him will unlock the location of the Textiles Vendor now in addition to our favorite weapon salesperson.
How to get Textiles and what you can buy from Danny Weaver

The reason most players in The Division 2 have so many Textiles right now is because they're awarded when opening Apparel Caches if the item inside is something you already have in your inventory. If, like me, you're in a position where you have almost every item in the standard Apparel Cache loot pool (seriously, when am I going to unlock the final item that I don't have) then you'll be getting Textiles regularly.
The new Textiles Vendor will offer a limited number of caches per week for you to spend them on instead of cosmetic items from the in-game store. From what we've seen so far these will be Exotic Caches, Named Item Caches, and Optimization Caches.
But, thanks to an early message in the game, it also looks like we'll be able to buy new arm patches from the Textiles Vendor, too. These weren't discussed during the reveal stream for Year 5 Season 3 Vanguard, so until TU 20.1 goes live, we don't have any additional information on what we can expect from these.
So, that's how to find the new Textiles Vendor and what, right now at least, we'll be able to purchase. It's a positive addition to The Division 2, though, finally offering players a genuinely useful outlet to spend years worth of built-up Textiles.