As a Feng Shui expert, to put it bluntly, you will reach your goals more quickly when you remove clutter from everywhere in the home. This is relevant for weight loss, love, a new job, improved health, and every other goal you have for 2025. Let me explain why.
Your home has a flow of positive energy called ‘Chi’ or ‘Life Force’ moving through and around it. Clutter, and mess of any kind, blocks the passage of this energy and creates pockets of stagnation. This contributes to creating the obstacles in your life that prevent you reaching your goals, and a heaviness which can manifest in weight gain and more.
Even using decluttering tips will mean you move your body differently. This is always a good thing and it upgrades your physical energy too. You’ll generate ‘feel good’ endorphins as you create more space in your home and lift the pressure of being surrounded by things you don’t use, need or love.
What to Feng Shui in your home to help your New Year resolutions
1. For weight loss

Weight loss is always high on the post-holiday goal-setting list, perhaps a couple of pounds, or as a longer-term health and self-esteem boost.
It’s not unusual for people who combine using Feng Shui with Interiors Therapy to lose weight without even trying.
As an extra layer of support, clear the high sugar and empty calorie products like cookies and wine from your kitchen, exchanging them for healthier options, and remove everything but essential appliances from the countertops to encourage cooking nourishing, balanced meals. Learn more about the things you shouldn't keep on kitchen counters.
My award-winning book details how possessions impact on love, delves into why clutter is only a part of the problem, recognizing the power of intention and how to activate change in nine key areas of your life.
2. For love

With Valentines already on the horizon, January can feel like the loneliest time of the year, especially after a Christmas break-up, or if you’ve been single for a while.
Start by looking at your home's Feng Shui energy map, especially in the southwest of your home. This is the Feng Shui area for love and relationships. Remove any ‘single’ items, pictures depicting a single subject matter, odd candles, ornaments and take a look at the furniture. Is there room for two in your home?
View your bedroom with fresh eyes. Is the bed made each day? That's a habit of highly organized people and a good one to start or keep.
Does your bedroom invite love? From over 30 years of experience, I can say that the bedrooms of single women and men can leave a lot to be desired. If you are still sleeping in the bed you shared with an ex, just be aware their DNA will always be with you, so as soon as finances allow, replace the bed and invest in bedding – ideally before you meet someone new. If you don't know where to start, we have guides for the best luxury bedding and the best places to buy bedding.
If you have been single for some time and using a single lamp in your bedroom, consider 2025 a time for an upgrade to a matching pair. This modern duo comes with USB charging ports for your phone and other gadgets.
A brutal way of assessing a room is to ask yourself how a stranger would see it. If it doesn’t measure up, then it’s not welcoming to love.
Show your sanctuary some love by cleaning your bedroom, use the closets for clothes instead of the floor and empty a couple of hangers, a drawer and the nightstand on ‘their’ side of the bed, so your home knows you are ready to find a love worthy of you.
Finally, use the ‘Manifesto for Love’ process in ‘Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationship’. It’s an easy way to define the qualities and values of the person you would choose to share your life with, specifically designed to draw the energy of the right love to you, whilst pushing the ghosts, players and losers out of your orbit. Invest a little time in this and it will pay off.
3. Prosperity
Prosperity goals are focused on the southeast which is the Feng Shui area for wealth, abundance and blessings.
Remove anything from this space relating to debt or financial outgoings and relocate them to the east. Instead keep details of your investments, savings and assets in the southeast. If that’s not an option right now, create a money pot for pocket change and place it on a small mirror so the coins overflow, symbolically creating money pouring into your life.
This is a good place for Citrine, Jade and Aventurine crystals if you are a collector, but please don’t buy them if you are not, because they just become more clutter. Remember to cleanse crystals monthly to keep them working.
Generally throughout the property fix leaks, dripping faucets and blockages as these all represent money draining away.
It doesn't take much to add a crystal touch to your space and this crystal tree is approximately 5.12-5.51 inches (13-14 cm) so it won't take up more space.
4. Improved health

The center of the home is all about well-being, prioritizing physical, emotional and mental health.
Ironically in many homes, this is where the trash, guest bathroom, and overstocked pantry can be found, and these impact vitality. Get into the habit of emptying bins, keeping the toilet lid closed and discarding out of date and unwanted food. If it’s still in date, please donate it to help others.
Everything in this space should be supportive. Fresh fruit and flowers, living, vibrant plants (no sick ones). Learn more about keep flowers fresh in a vase. Exercise in the center of your home where possible, but don’t block the flow of energy by leaving kit laying around.
Available in two sizes, and four colors, this citrine fluted vase is a beautiful addition to any kitchen.
5. A new job

If a change of employment or promotion is high on your list for 2025, two areas facilitate this. The west represents new beginnings and a fresh start, while the north motivates career.
Update your resume and researching potential new opportunities in the west. Write a description of the role you are looking for, essentially a manifesto for the job you want including salary, location and all other important aspects and situate in the north to attract the energy of a position coming which fits your aspirations.
Try not to restrict yourself to one company, but if there are some you are particularly interested in, put their logos in the north too. A client has just been headhunted into a high-status business, having done just this.
6. Travel

When spreading your horizons is high on the agenda, target the northwest with a beautiful globe. I like the stunning MOVA Globe, available on Amazon. Place images of the places you’d like to visit, and details of your vacation itineraries. Store suitcases and passports here too if there is space.
Since activating her travel Feng Shui in September, my client has been on five vacations and is heading out on a sixth as you read this. She’s astonished by her good fortune and looking forward to a sensational 2025.
Feng shui can work very fast when it is implemented properly. Sometimes overnight, although expecting a wait of up to two months for the impact of the Feng Shui, and a happier lifestyle, is more realistic.
Next, lean into the power of Feng Shui with the things experts like me wish you would know