Just a few days back, WhatsApp had reportedly rolled out the much-awaited Dark Mode feature for its Android Beta version 2.20.13.
The feature was spotted by WABetaInfo, a blog that tracks WhatsApp development. If you want to use the feature on your Android smartphones, all you need to do is download the latest Android Beta version of the app from its APK version if you can't wait any longer for a stable one. You can download the APK version by clicking on this link.
Now, this new feature is wholly accessible for the the Android app. However, as we all know, WhatsApp also comes in a Desktop version for your PCs, and with time, it has proved itself to be useful for sending messages, links and other important media directly from the computer, especially during work hours to increase efficiency of communication. And what's better and more soothing to the eyes than the dark theme for WhatsApp on your phone as well as on your desktop version?
Unlike the Beta version roll out of the dark mode feature on Android smartphones, there has been no such announcement on whether the same will come on WhatsApp web. But, there is way to get the dark theme on the desktop version of the app right now. This was first spotted by WABetaInfo.
Here is how you can enable dark theme on WhatsApp web:
-To enable the dark theme on WhatsApp web, firstly make sure you have the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
-Next, download and install Stylus, an extension for either Google Chrome or Firefox. For Chrome users, you can download the extension from here and those using Firefox, can install it from here.
The Stylus extension helps users to apply various themes to specific websites and desktop versions.
-Once you have installed the Stylus extension, you will see several colored themes including dark theme, select "Install style" by clicking on this link
-Now, open WhatsApp web or reload the tab on either of the browsers and viola, your dark theme will appear!
However, if you are awaiting an official release of the dark mode on desktop version of the app, there is no such announcement or news of the same. However, according to several reports, WhatsApp may soon release the feature as a stable version for its Android and iOS users.