The chipping yips, like the putting yips, are a nightmare for golfers and can really sap the fun out of the game. If you've got them it might feel like there is no end in sight to your suffering, which is why we asked short game guru Dan Grieve to share some tips on how to cure the chipping yips in the video and article below.
The yips have ruined golf for a lot of people, but while it's obviously a hugely mental problem, I truly believe it stems from a physical fault that has crept in and gradually got worse and worse. The result is a fear of the ground that leaves the golfer susceptible to all manner of involuntary movements at impact and likely to duff, thin or even top the ball.
So, while it is mental, let's look at a couple of technical fixes that will help get you on the road to recovery. In my experience, when golfers start making the odd good contact, it starts to rewire the mind to know you can actually physically do it and every good contact is a step closer to getting rid of this awful affliction.
Most yippers have the ball well back in their stance to try and guarantee ball first contact but I want you to move it forward so we can start trying to shallow out the strike.

Generally, what I see is way too much wrist hinge and too much drive coming down into impact, which causes the sharp leading edge to dig into the ground and get stuck. Then what happens is the mind gets fearful of that and reacts very late with the knees or the hands most commonly.

We want the bounce to be kept on the wedge throughout the motion, which increases your margin for error. By using the bounce on your wedges properly, you can hit behind the ball and still make good contact.
To do this, you need to keep the width in the backswing by using your chest to turn and reducing how much you hinge your wrists. As you come through, feel like you open your chest gently and like the club is on the ground for a long time.

If you watch the video above, you'll see how I'm able to make contact with the ground three inches behind the ball and still hit good shots that give me a chance to get up and down.
Try these tips next time you're practising and you'll slowly gain confidence and get rid of the chipping yips for good.