One of the more difficult quests in Hogwarts Legacy is the Ghost of Our Love quest. This mission gives you a map, and the rest is up to you to decipher. In this guide, we will be breaking down each step of the quest, and let you know what you do once you get started. If you’ve had this quest sitting in your log, read on to find out how to beat it.
Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love quest solution

Once you have received the map you can start the quest. The map shows a bridge, some ruins, a forest, floating candles. Most important of all those is the symbol which is the icon for the Lumos spell. This tells you that the spell is the key to solving the puzzle.

The difficult part is finding the location where the map wants you to be. There are plenty of bridges in the grounds surrounding Hogwarts, so this doesn’t offer much help. The one you need is just north of the Hogwarts school grounds. The fastest way to get there is to take the Floo Flame next to the Forbidden Forest.
Once you have reached the bridge, use Lumos as you cross it. If you have done it correctly, you should hear a jingle. Next, some floating candles will appear, and you need to follow them to get to the next part of the quest.

The candles will lead you into the woods. You need to keep Lumos active and follow the candles past the ruins that were shown on the map. After following them for a while you will come across a table. You will know you are there as more candles will appear, alongside a chest you can loot.

Opening the chest will complete this quest, and get you your deserved reward.
If you’re looking for more tips and guides, check out our Hogwarts Legacy complete guide and walkthrough.
Written by Ryan Woodrow and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.