Soda crystals are a natural cleaning agent everyone should have in their homes. Not only is this green cleaner a welcome respite from chemicals, but it can also used to clean everything from your kitchen bins to your garden patio. You can even clean a washing machine with soda crystals.
Of course, cleaning a washing machine may seem like a one-size-fits-all task to tick off your to-do list, but the reality is that washing machines may need deeper and more tailored cleaning for various reasons. It may be that it’s started to smell, or you’ve noticed a build-up of mould in the washing machine the drum or seal. Alternatively, you may struggle with limescale build-up - especially if you live in a hard water area.
Failing to remove this limescale will ultimately affect the running of your appliance, how much it costs to run a washing machine, and how long it will last. So, it’s in your best interests (both financially and practically) to keep on top of this cleaning task - and knowing how to clean a washing machine with soda crystals can help you do just that.
What you'll need
Yes, you really can buy six bags of soda crystals for under £12. This means that you should always have some on hand for any cleaning job around the house - and for cleaning your washing machine.
Cleaning with vinegar can be extremely effective, but I often find that it's easier to use when in a spray bottle. This way, you can spray directly onto the areas of the washing machine you want to clean.
These cleaning cloths are made entirely of bamboo, meaning you can match up your eco-friendly washing machine cleaning with your equally as eco-friendly cleaning products.
1. Weigh out your soda crystals
Soda crystals are fairly easy to come by, and it’s well worth stocking up on a bag or two to tide you over. While it’s fair to say that you could clean a washing machine with vinegar and baking soda, you should avoid using an excessive amount of vinegar - especially if you want to clean the rubber seal on a washing machine.
That’s because prolonged use of an acid on rubber can cause it to break down, resulting in potential leaks and damage. However, Laura Harnett, founder of eco-cleaning brand, Seep, explains that a combination of soda crystals and small amounts of vinegar still works wonders.
She says, ‘Soda crystals are alkali and stronger than bicarbonate of soda, which can also be used in conjunction with white vinegar.’
But it’s also possible to use too many soda crystals when cleaning a washing machine, so it’s best to weigh it out beforehand.
You should aim to use 500g of soda crystals for each clean. If you have a particularly dirty washing machine or know you have limescale-blocked pipes, avoid adding any more than this. Simply repeat this step-by-step process instead.
2. Add the soda crystals and run a hot wash
With your 500g of soda crystals in tow, you can either pop them into the detergent drawer or directly into the drum. Laura suggests the latter, advising, ‘Put the soda crystals into your empty washing machine drum and then run the machine on its hottest and longest cycle.’
The heat is key when cleaning a washing machine with soda crystals, as the heat will aid the cleaning process, kill off any lingering bacteria and reduce the chances of mould and mildew build-up. If you opt for a cold wash, it just won't work as well.
3. Don’t be alarmed
Soda crystals are an extremely effective cleaning agent, and that’s one of the many reasons homeowners also use soda crystals to clean an extractor hood vent. But the results of using this cleaning product in the washing machine can be alarming - especially the first time you use them.
As Laura warns, ‘You may notice black debris or gunk coming out of the machine.’ This is completely normal and a sign that the soda crystals are working their magic. However, it’s worth repeating the process again in a couple of days to get any remaining sludge out of the way.
4. Clean the rest of the machine
The only slight downside of cleaning a washing machine with soda crystals is that it only really cleans the drum. So, you still need to clean the rest of the machine - but this is easily done.
Laura advises, ‘To complement the drum and internal machine being cleaned, also clean the other parts of the washing machine using white vinegar. This is a strong antibacterial product, cheap to buy and also is eco-friendly.’
She adds, ‘Wipe down the door seal with a soft cloth soaked in white vinegar, remove the washing powder drawer and the washing machine filter and soak them in equal parts white vinegar and hot water to remove build-up and residue.’
5. Add soda crystals to your clothes, too
You might already know that adding vinegar to your wash will soften your towels, and adding bicarbonate of soda will keep your whites extra white, but you might be surprised to learn that you can also pop soda crystals in with your clothes. In fact, Laura recommends doing this every time you wash your clothes.
She says, ‘This will also help to prevent limescale build-up as the alkali crystals help to soften the water. Limescale is worse in hard water areas, so if you have hard water, then this is something you should consider for every wash to ensure your washing machine lasts longer and your clothes are always clean first time to help the planet and save you money.’
If you’re lucky to live in a soft water area, you may not have to do this with every wash. In that case, stick with at least once a month just to be sure there’s no limescale lingering in the pipes.
Can I use soda crystals and white vinegar together?
Yes, you can! When used together, soda crystals and white vinegar create an effective cleaning agent, and many experts even state that this combination works better than white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.
When using these two products together, you may notice that they start fizzing. It’s this chemical reaction that will ultimately work hard to unclog drains, clean grout, de-scale and de-grease appliances and areas of the home.
Are soda crystals the same as bicarb of soda?
No, soda crystals and bicarbonate of soda are two different products. Although bicarb is an alkaline cleaning powder, soda crystals are larger and harder crystals that are much more alkaline. Because of this, many people use soda crystals when they want a deeper clean.
However, it’s advised to wear gloves when handling soda crystals directly, as their strength can cause irritation for some people.
So, will you be cleaning your washing machine with soda crystals?