The BBC's director-general has said the BBC TV licence fee freeze will result in a £285 million gap in funding for the corporation and will "no doubt" affect the broadcaster's "frontline output".
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Tim Davie said the corporation felt it was being "listened to" but given the licence fee was set by politicians "you are in the political swirl", and he expressed disappointment at the freeze, saying "we would have liked to have seen an inflation rise throughout the period".
His comments follow confirmation from Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries on Monday that the BBC’s licence fee would be frozen at £159 for two years, until 2024, after which it will rise in line with inflation for the following four years.
Ms Dorries told MPs that the corporation needed to "address issues around impartiality and group think" and also added it was "time to begin asking those really serious questions about the long-term funding model of the BBC".
She said the time had come to "discuss and debate new ways of funding" the BBC but did not detail the UK Government's preferred alternative.
However, figures shared by the charity, Turn2us, show that approximately 589,000 people across the UK are not claiming their free TV Licence and are missing out on saving £159 each year.
Sonya Ruparel, Director of Programmes and Partnerships at Turn2us, said: “There is an endemic issue of unclaimed benefits in the UK. It is so important for people to check. We urge everyone to do a benefit calculation every six months as part of a regular financial health check.”
And not many people realise that a free TV licence will also cover anyone else the claimant is living with, no matter what age they are. The licence must be in the name of the person claiming Pension Credit, if it’s not, you can transfer it by calling TV Licensing on 0300 790 6112.
People who are registered blind are entitled to a half price TV Licence (£79.50) and may be eligible for a refund on payments made in previous years - if they have lived at the same address.
When someone with a severe sight impairment applies for a TV Licence they are required to submit evidence of their disability - a copy of the blind registration letter issued by their ophthalmologist or eye specialist to them and their local authority is one of the most common forms of proof.
From that, TV Licensing may identify an overpayment, especially if you have been paying by direct debit, and issue a refund from the date of your blind registration - if you’ve been living at the same address where you have been paying for your TV Licence.
The TV Licence has to be in the blind person's name. If it isn't, you can transfer it by calling TV Licensing on 0300 790 6112.

Who needs to buy a TV Licence?
A TV licence is needed in the UK to watch or record any programmes as they are being broadcast live on television.
It is also required to watch or stream live programming on any online TV streaming service, such as BBC iPlayer or Sky Go.
How to claim a free TV Licence
If you already receive Pension Credit, you can apply for your free over 75 TV Licence when you are 74 years old. TV Licensing will update your payments to cover you until your 75th birthday, when you’ll be covered by your free licence - they will confirm this in writing.
If you think you’re eligible for a free licence but don’t currently have a TV Licence, call 0300 790 6117 and speak to an advisor to request an application form. Lines are open Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 6.30pm.
Need to apply for Pension Credit?
If you are not already claiming Pension Credit but think you may be eligible, you can find out more about the benefit on the GOV.UK website here.
You can also use the online Pension Credit calculator which will give you an indication of how much you might get.
The DWP estimates that up to one million pensioners in households across the UK may be entitled to Pension Credit, but are not claiming the benefit.
Pension Credit can help top-up retirement income, even if someone already receives a pension or has another source of regular payments. Some pensioners think because they have savings or own their home they won’t qualify for the benefit boost, but many are missing out on extra money every month.
At a recent parliamentary hearing, Secretary of State at the DWP, Dr Therese Coffey, explained how even if someone applies for it and only receives two pence per week from the UK Government, it will still open the door to additional benefits and discounts - including a free over 75 TV Licence. Find out more here.
Turn2us have a handy guide on getting help with the cost of a TV Licence which you can find on their website here.
TV Licensing also has a comprehensive guide to check if you qualify for a free or discounted TV Licence - find out more here.
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