Getting a Gold Saucer date in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an involved and sometimes unclear process. As you make your way through the story there will be several choices and key moments that will factor into how strong your bond is with certain party members. The strength of your bond will come into play later down the line, and who you go on a date with will depend on how close you are to those you journey and fight alongside.
Knowing how to develop your bond and which choices to pay attention to is key to getting close to your chosen character. Party bonds are a big part of the overall experience, so if you need help knowing how to strengthen your bonds with Tifa, Aerith, Barret, Red 13, and Yuffie, and get a Gold Saucer Skywheel date in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, we're here to help. Read on below as we break down how bonds work and what choices will affect your relationships.
How to bond with characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
There are several ways you can strengthen your bond with party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The bonding system factors into both the story and combat, so it's good to ensure you speak to party members during key moments and try to pick responses they'll like or agree with. It's also worth making use of your synergy skills and abilities when you fight alongside them since this also contributes.
There are also particular Odd Jobs you'll come across in each region that can help deepen your bond. Whenever you begin an Odd Job side quest, a character in your party will usually get involved, which indicates they're personally invested in the quest - completing it will make your bond stronger. If you're ever unsure, you can open up your quest log where you can see a character's face on the bottom right-hand side of the Odd Job - this tells you which quests are connected to which party members.
Certain events are tied to characters that can help deepen bonds depending on how well you do them. With every character having a different set of bonding moments and key choices, you can find a rundown of which ones affect the bond between Cloud and each party member. And of course, the stronger your bond is with a character, the more likely it is they'll be your Gold Saucer date later on.
The date itself plays out in two parts. When you first get to visit the Gold Saucer in chapter 8, a character will come knocking on your door to join you. Who does depends on your bond. Then, the Skywheel date will come later in chapter 12, and who joins you once again depends on the strength of your bond with each character.
How to bond with Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Aeirth's bond is measured by the following:
How well you do in conversations with her throughout the story - ensure you always speak to her when prompted and try to pick the best responses that will deepen your bond.
Odd Jobs - Complete as many Odd Jobs as possible that Aerith is connected to:
Grasslands - Flowers from the Hill
Junon Region - Stuck in a Rut, Beneath Still Waters
Corel Region - Rendezvous in Costa de Sol
Gongaga Region - The Spice of Life, Woodland Vigil,
Cosmo Canyon Region - Absence of a Sign
Use synergy skills and abilities in combat as much as possible and unlock synergy skills for Cloud and Aerith to use in combat
How well you perform in the Seventh Infantry Inauguration parade in Chapter 4
Whether you had the same taste in Beachwear in Costa del Sol in Chapter 6
If you choose to help Aerith and Barret during the beach fight in Costa del Sol in Chapter 6
How to bond with Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Tifa's bond is measured by the following:
Ensure you speak to Tifa at every available opportunity throughout the story
Complete Odd Jobs she's connected to:
Grasslands - A Rare Card Lost
Junon - Calling All Frogs and Dreaming of Blue Skies
Corel - Bodybuilders in a Bind, Gold Cup or Bust
Nibel - My White-Haired Angel
Make use of synergy skills and abilities for Cloud and Tifa
How well you perform in the Seventh Infantry Inauguration Parade in chapter 4
Whether you have the same taste in beachwear in Costa Del Sol in chapter 6
Whether you chose to help Tifa and Red 13 on the beach in Costa del Sol
How to bond with Barret in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Barret's bond is measured by the following:
Ensure you speak to Barret as much as possible when opportunities arise
Odd jobs - Complete as many Odd Jobs as you can that Barret's involved with:
Grasslands - Lifeline in Peril
Junon - When Words Won't Do
Corel - Missing Mr. Birdie
Gongaga - The Pursuit of Perfection, Escape from Endless Writer's Block
Nibel - Lament of the Damned
Make use of Synergy abilities and skills in combat with Barret
Choose to help Aeirth and Barret on the beach in Costa del Sol
Shoot as many boxes as you can during the Corel Minecart minigame and choose the perilous route
How much health you have left at the end of the Corel Buggy minigame
How to bond with Red 13 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Red 13's bond is measured by the following:
Ensure you speak to Red 13 as much as possible when opportunities arise
Complete as many Odd Jobs as possible Red's connected to:
Grasslands - Livestock's Bane and Where the Wind Blows
Junon - The Hardest Sell
Corel - Of Robed Men and Ransoms
Gongaga - O Chicken, Where Art Thou
Cosmo Canyon - From Whence Life Flows and Promises to Keep
Help Red and Tifa on the beach in Costa Del Sol
Win all of the matches in the Shinra 8 Queens Blood Tournament
How to bond with Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Yuffie's bond is measured by the following:
Make use of Synergy skills and abilities in combat with Yuffie
Speak to her as much as possible when opportunities arise
Complete as many Odd Jobs as possible Yuffie's connected to:
Junon - Tides of War and Worry
Corel - The Saga of the Seaside Inn, Trouble in Paradise
Gongaga - Teach me, Great Warrior
Cosmo Canyon - Bonds of Trust and Victim of Circumstance
Nibel - Esoteric Secrets of the Elders
Hit as many boxes as you can in Minecart mini-game
Minecart route - Choose the safe route
How well you perform in the 3D brawler match in the Gold Saucer