I have just been given the all-clear after radiotherapy for cancer. I named my tumour Boris because it was a malign growth that needed to be eradicated. Now, at 77, I am determined to survive long enough to see off the other Boris.
Rodney Smith
• So Lord Hogan-Howe found Boris Johnson “to be loyal, honourable” and that “he did what he promised to do” (Boris Johnson faces backlash after pushing former Met chief for NCA role, 23 May). On the basis of that judgment alone, he is surely unsuited to high office?
Pat Comery
Bridford, Devon
• Surely making a badge that reads “I am NOT Banksy” is exactly the sort of thing that Banksy would do (Mr Banksy, I presume: the councillor who quit over claims he has a secret, 27 May)?
Pete Lavender
• Re the suggestion that tennis needs to reconsider its rules (Letters, 27 May), I propose that the entitlement to a second service be dropped. This would improve the game enormously. Imagine if in football a second chance was given on failing at the first attempt at a penalty.
David Handley
Gargrave, North Yorkshire
• Even better than a sheet and blanket (Letters, 25 May) are separate single sets of sheets and blankets on a shared double bed. Then you can grab and throw to the tune of your own hot flushes all night long without disturbing the other person.
Mary Gildea
Charlton, London
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.