The cost of living crisis means we’re all looking to cut back where we can - especially on energy bills.
The Ofgem price cap is currently set at £1,971 a year but is due to rise to a hideous £3,549 from October 1.
Prime Minister Liz Truss is coming under pressure to help ease the burden on families and is expected to announce a freeze on bills.
Reports suggest the freeze will be set at around £2,500, with Truss to also keep the £400 energy discount previously announced.
It means bills would fall back to slightly above the current level - so still higher than the April price cap and substantially up on prices last year.
The price cap was set at £1,138 a year in April 2021 and rose to £1,277 in October 2021.
The new PM is expected to make an announcement with full details tomorrow.
With energy bills still extortionately expensive, The Mirror has rounded up how much 30 everyday appliances in your home cost to run.
As well as big appliances like your washing machine and fridge freezer, we’ve looked at smaller gadgets like your hair straighteners and WiFi router.
An energy savings expert at Uswitch said: “If the October price cap goes ahead, we will see a sharp rise in the cost it takes to run common household appliances.
“To keep costs down, we need to get into good energy-saving habits. The less you use an appliance the more energy you can save.
“So if possible, reduce how much you use different appliances.”
The following data has been provided by Uswitch with all prices rounded to the nearest pence.

- Oven (2kW) - using for one hour currently costs 57p - but this will rise to roughly £1.04 in October under the new price cap.
- Microwave (1kW) - using for ten minutes currently costs around 5p - but this will rise to roughly 9p in October under the new price cap.
- Fridge (166kWh per year) - your fridge costs 13p a day to run right now - but this will rise to around 24p in October under the new price cap.
- Kettle (3kW) - using a kettle for three minutes costs roughly 4p to run - but this will rise to 8p in October under the new price cap.
- Toaster (0.8kW) - using a toaster for three minutes costs approximately 1p - but this will rise to 3p in October under the new price cap.
- Slow cooker (0.32kW) - using a slow cooker for eight hours costs around 73p - but this will rise to £1.33 in October under the new price cap.

- Blender (0.7kW) - using a blender for ten minutes costs 3p - but this will rise to 7p in October under the new price cap.
- Coffee maker (1.25kW) - using a coffee machine for ten minutes costs roughly 6p - but this will rise to 11 p in October under the new price cap.
- Steamer (1.8kW) - using a steamer for ten minutes costs around 9p - but this will rise to 16 p in October under the new price cap.
- Deep fryer (1kW) - using a deep fryer for ten minutes costs around 5 p - but this will rise to 9 p in October under the new price cap.
- Washing machine (0.712kw per cycle) - one washing machine cycle currently costs 20p - but this will rise to 37p in October under the new price cap.
- Tumble dryer (1.14kW per cycle) - one tumble dryer cycle currently costs 32 p - but this will rise to 59p in October under the new price cap.
- Iron (3.1kW) - using an iron for ten minutes costs roughly 15 p - but this will rise to 27p in October under the new price cap.
Living room
- Hoover (0.15kW) - using a hoover for ten minutes costs less than 1p - but this will rise to just over 1p in October under the new price cap.
- Television (0.091kW) - using the TV for one hour costs around 3p - but this will rise to 5p in October under the new price cap.
- Laptop (0.1kW) - having your laptop plugged in on charge for one hour costs around 3p - but this will rise to 5p in October under the new price cap.
- Amazon Alexa (0.03kW) - having your Amazon Alexa plugged in for one hour costs less than 1 p - but this will rise to almost 2p in October under the new price cap.
- Google Home (0.03kW) - having your Google Home plugged in for one hour costs less than 1 p - but this will rise to almost 2p in October under the new price cap.

- XBox (0.211kW) - playing on your XBox for one hour costs around 6 p - but this will rise to 11 p in October under the new price cap.
- PlayStation 5 (0.203kW) - playing on your PlayStation 5 for one hour costs around 6 p - but this will rise to 11 p in October under the new price cap.
- Ring doorbell (0.0012kW) - having your Ring Doorbell plugged in for one hour costs less than 1 p and will cost roughly the same in October under the new price cap.
- WiFi router (0.0074kW) - having your WiFi router plugged in for one hour costs less than 1 p and will cost roughly the same in October under the new price cap.
- Radio (0.0085kW) - having your digital radio plugged in for one hour costs less than 1 p and will cost roughly the same in October under the new price cap.
- Electric shower (7.5kW) - using an electric shower for ten minutes costs roughly 35p - but this will rise to 65 p in October under the new price cap.
- Bath (3.26kW to heat water) - filling up one bath costs around 92p - but this will rise to £1.69 in October under the new price cap.
- Electric shaver (0.04kW) - using an electric shaver for ten minutes costs less than 1 p and will cost roughly the same in October under the new price cap.
- Heated towel rail (0.1kW) - using a heated towel rail for one hour costs around 3p - but this will rise to 5p in October under the new price cap.

- Straighteners (0.385kW) - using hair straighteners for ten minutes costs roughly 2p - but this will rise to 3 p in October under the new price cap.
- Hair curler (0.385kW) - using hair curlers for ten minutes costs roughly 2p - but this will rise to 3 p in October under the new price cap.
- Hairdryer (1.8kW) - using a hair dryer for ten minutes costs roughly 9 p - but this will rise to 16 p in October under the new price cap.