He is a much-loved British actor who has appeared in the hit shows Men Behaving Badly and Doc Martin, the final series of which will hopefully air later this year. And while the 60-year-old comedian and presenter has recently appeared on our screens in his latest 'Islands of' series, ' Martin Clunes: Islands of the Pacific ', his healthy appearance has changed his life.
Showcasing a more svelte figure during the series, which came out in January, fans will know that the actor is an advocate for the renowned 5:2 diet, which he has followed for some time.
In an interview recently with Mail Online, he explained his reasoning for taking up that particular diet, with which he lost three stone: "I was fat – and while I was getting heavy, I had tired knees and stuff. So, I thought I’d try that diet and the weight came off. “I lost about three stone in as many months. It’s great – and it’s supposed to be good for cholesterol, too," the star said.
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Using intermittent fasting, this method for losing weight, made popular by TV doctor Michael Mosley, is also known as The Fast Diet, due to the fact that it helps people slim down rapidly. And Martin isn't the only celebrity trying this method with stellar results. Benedict Cumberbatch is also a fan of the diet.

People following the diet usually eat a normal amount of food for five days of the week, and restrict their intake for the other two days.
These are called 'fasting' days and usually involve limiting your calorific consumption to 500 for women to 600 for men per day, according to Healthline.
Unlike many other weight-loss regimes, those on the 5:2 diet do not need to eat or avoid certain foods – the 5:2 diet is about when you eat, rather than what you eat.
And after losing three stone, Martin has managed to maintain his ideal weight by following another diet that isn't too dissimilar from 5:2.

“Now I do 6:1 and that seems to work fine," he said. "I eat anything I want on the other days. It’s easy and seems to keep the weight off me.”
The 6:1 is essential the same as the 5:2 but, as the name suggests, there is just one day of 'fasting'. Experts from the health and fitness app Lifesum have recommended certain foods for those on the diet to consume to achieve maximum results.
For six days out of the week, your diet should include grains, legumes, vegetables, root vegetables, berries, oils, seeds, white meats, dairy products, eggs, and fish.
Meanwhile, on fasting days, it is recommended that green vegetables, eggs, white fish, and low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yoghurt, are eaten.
Their top tips to remain on track are to prepare your food from scratch and plan your fasting days around your life.
As well as following a healthy diet, Martin - who is married to Doc Martin producer Philippa Braithwaite and with whom he shares a daughter, Emily - also does regular exercise to stay slim and healthy. He said: “I have a couple of big horses and ride them. I’m very healthy. This is a difficult age, obviously, but I’m doing fine – I’m not on any medication."
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