A lawyer just explained in a Twitter thread a case wherein ChatGPT can be used as an alternative instead of hiring an attorney like him.
Eric Pacifici, who goes by SMBAcquisitionAttorney on Twitter, posted a 19-tweet thread which he called "Things ChatGPT can do right now that (maybe) you no longer need to pay lawyers for." The co-founder of SMB Law Group said it’s just the first part of a series he hopes to continue.
His initial thread focused on “Researching and analyzing simple legal business disputes.” He highlighted one case which focused on a dispute between the owner of a storage unit and a tenant who is behind on rent.
Pacifici explained that the only options in the past for anyone in this scenario would be to call a lawyer or research for a solution online. But ChatGPT now allows them to find fairly accurate answers to the problem, at least when fed the right information.
Pacifici offered a four-step template to help frame the prompt to feed ChatGPT. These are defining the issue, stating facts or background information, highlighting the rules relative to the location, and defining the objective.
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He also explained that any additional steps -- like properly accomplishing the framework or creating a written notice, which was part of the solution offered by ChatGPT to the case -- can conveniently be accomplished by asking the AI software as well.
Pacifici noted that the answers aren’t perfect. He recognized that ChatGPT sometimes gave some inaccurate information, and that the solutions offered by the program were “a little light on the technical legal requirements.” But he still believes it’s important to highlight this as a free solution to those who can’t afford lawyers or for cases where paying for a lawyer would be counterintuitive.
“Equitable access to legal services is a problem, especially for people of low-socioeconomic status,” Pacifici wrote to close his thread. “This information is being offered in an effort to educate and empower readers to make informed decisions about their legal matters but is not a substitute for actual legal representation.”