Boston Medical Group has opened up a broader universe of features and benefits for both patients and users that add up to a more compelling digital signage experience. It did so with the help of Visix, successfully transitioning its AxisTV 9 digital signage network to AxisTV Signage Suite.
Tahssin Alani, field service analyst, audio visual support for Boston Medical Group's heads up the IT department. Since joining the staff 10 years ago he had three main objectives: improve visual resolution, enhance functionality, and extend the network to new locations. While the third element has happened naturally over time due to departmental enthusiasm, the switch to AxisTV Signage Suite has had a powerful effect on the first two.
“We’ve grown from 20 to 50 screens over my time here, and now have 29 departments with a presence on the network,” said Alani. “Some departments contribute by advertising their services, and our communications department manages most of the content, which includes welcome messages, health notices, organizational awards, and our ‘Rewriting Healthcare’ series which features stories from patients, community partners, doctors and other staff members. I designed the templates for them to create layouts, and they publish the content. AxisTV Signage Suite makes that process very quick and easy, and the visual quality has substantially improved. The colors really pop, and people pay attention to the screens.”
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It's essential that people pay attention to the screens, as Visix developed a special application to keep visitors informed about wait times. Boston Medical Group’s strategy includes mixing in wait time slides with colorful public service announcements, informational slides and other content to keep screens lively and dynamic. All 29 departments active on the network leverage the wait time application to keep patients relaxed and eliminate repetitive trips to the front desk.
Alani says a small number of people from each department can adjust wait times from their desktop, laptop or mobile device by simply logging into the application, selecting their department and selecting a time interval from a drop-down menu. “It removes the ‘how long’ question from being asked over and over by multiple patients, reducing stress for all involved,” said Alani. “Visix created a very simple, orderly and intuitive interface with this application that has proved incredibly useful. It takes seconds to make an adjustment, and the changes are immediately replicated to the corresponding display. If the wait time was changed from 30 to 15 minutes, that adjustment will appear the next time the slide appears in the rotation.”

While Visix initially built this functionality into Boston Medical Group’s AxisTV 9 network, the transition to AxisTV Signage Suite offers many new possibilities that were previously not available. Alani is especially enthused about the software calendar application, which can connect with Outlook for conference room bookings and other departmental needs. He says this will bring value to all departments but particularly in the more executive and operations-focused buildings, such as the FGH Building and Carter Conference Center.
Alani anticipates continued expansion of the network into new buildings, and there are plans to add screens in satellite facilities. The same AxisTV Signage Suite platform will serve these other locations, including the Brockton Behavioral Health Center about 25 miles to the south. Separately, he is in discussions with Visix to roll out a wayfinding pilot.
“The growth of our network has been demand-driven,” said Alani, noting that new departments tend to come on as they learn how other departments benefit from its use. “The fact that we can do much more with this new platform will drive further expansion. We’re only using about 50% of AxisTV Signage Suite’s capabilities. There’s still a lot to learn, and we’ll gradually roll out new features and applications over time.”