The past year in Australian politics has been marked by division over how to respond to the 7 October Hamas attacks and Israel’s assault on Gaza – with no shortage of accusations about who is politicising the conflict.
Those divisions came to a head this week when Peter Dutton’s Coalition refused to support a parliamentary motion marking the first anniversary of 7 October because it also included calls for regional de-escalation and a ceasefire.
Explore this timeline to find out how the Labor government, Coalition opposition and Greens have responded to key events over the past 12 months.
Hamas attacks Israel; Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza
7 October 2023
Penny Wong, foreign affairs minister
“Australia unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas including indiscriminate rocket fire on cities and civilians. We call for these attacks to stop and recognise Israel’s right to defend itself. Australia urges the exercise of restraint and protection of civilian lives.”
7 October 2023
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“When people talk about Israel having to show restraint, it’s completely and utterly the wrong time for that sort of language … I think it’s important for us to speak in a bipartisan way, but the Coalition won’t be using any language about restraint from the Israeli people at the moment. Their focus is on defeating this scourge and making sure that they can recover their citizens.”
11 October 2023
Adam Bandt, leader of the Greens
“The premeditated targeting of civilians by Hamas is a war crime, as is the bombing of Palestinian civilians by the state of Israel. All perpetrators of war crimes in this conflict must be held to account for their actions in accordance with international law. The Greens condemn the attacks and we condemn the occupation.”
Labor and Coalition back a parliamentary motion, Greens dissent
16 October 2023
Anthony Albanese, prime minister
“This was not just an attack on Israel. This was an attack on Jewish people. Let us be clear: Hamas is an enemy, but not just of Israel. Hamas is an enemy of all peace-loving Palestinian people who are left to pay a devastating price for this terrorism. Hamas honours no faith. It serves no cause but terror. It is no better than any other group in history that has clung to the twisted belief that victory can be built on the blood of the innocent … There is no question that Israel has the right to defend itself against a terrorist organisation and to take strong action against it, but we join the calls of President Biden and other partners for Israel to operate by the rules of war.”
16 October 2023
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“The Coalition joins with every other person of decent humanity in condemning this attack by Hamas militants on Israel. Israel has every right to exist. Israel has every right to defend itself and its people. Israel has every right to deter future attacks and other acts of aggression, of coercion and of interference. The Coalition supports, and proudly supports, Israel’s right to do what is necessary and needed in the circumstances, with every asset available to safeguard its sovereignty, to bolster its borders, to protect its people and to thwart the threats it now faces – the existential threats. There must be no restraint shown to those who have shown no restraint themselves in committing these vicious and vile acts of terrorism.”
16 October 2023
Adam Bandt, leader of the Greens
“This looming humanitarian catastrophe is something that Australia should be joining other countries in trying everything we can to stop. We join with everyone in this parliament in mourning the 1,300 Israelis* who have lost their lives, but on today’s count there are also between 2,300 and 2,600 Palestinians who have lost their lives, many of who are children. And we mourn them as well. This is now moving beyond self-defence into an invasion, and it is up to Australia as a peace-loving country to join the push to stop it. No to antisemitism, no to Islamophobia and no to the war on Gaza.” * The Israeli death toll was later updated to be about 1,200 killed
Australia votes at the UN for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and release of hostages.
13 December 2023
Penny Wong, foreign minister
“Australia shares the grave concerns that I have articulated previously about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Human suffering is widespread, and it is unacceptable … This is a collective statement about the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire that the world is supporting. So, this is not a unilateral decision by Australia. We made a decision on the basis of the merits of this resolution to join along with many other countries to support the resolution at the General Assembly.”
13 December 2023
Simon Birmingham, Coalition foreign affairs spokesperson
“War is terrible, and I grieve for absolutely every single life that is lost that is an innocent civilian, particularly those of children. But the reality is, if Israel just adopts the ceasefire that Anthony Albanese has now voted for, it will just give Hamas opportunity to re-arm, regroup and repeat. The terrorist atrocities all over again.”
13 December 2023
Adam Bandt, leader of the Greens
“It’s not a ceasefire until the bombs stop dropping. The PM must fight like hell to make this ceasefire call a permanent reality. Not a pause before the slaughter starts again. A genuine, permanent ceasefire.”
South Africa initiates genocide proceedings against Israel at the international court of justice
16 January 2024
Penny Wong, foreign affairs minister
“Our support for the ICJ and respect for its independence does not mean we accept the premise of South Africa’s case. We will continue to work for a just and enduring peace between Israelis and Palestinians. I would note Australia is not currently a party to the case and that at this stage the ICJ has not invited interventions from other parties.”
5 January 2024
Simon Birmingham, Coalition foreign affairs spokesperson
“The Albanese government should rule out supporting South Africa’s unbalanced application against Israel to the ICJ. Mr Albanese has been wildly inconsistent in the positions his government has taken, with Labor deeply divided. Australia should maintain a strong commitment in support of Israel’s inherent right to self-defence after Hamas’s horrific targeting of civilians, while continuing to expect Israel to act with regard to international law.”
18 January 2024
Mehreen Faruqi, deputy leader of the Greens
“Australia must publicly support South Africa’s genocide case against Israel in the international court of justice. The world is watching and Australians are demanding that Anthony Albanese put politics aside, show some guts and be remembered on the right side of history.”
Australia pauses funding to Unrwa after Israel accuses 12 staff of involvement in 7 October attacks
27 January 2024
Penny Wong, foreign affairs minister
“Australia is deeply concerned by allegations Unrwa staff may have been involved in the abhorrent October 7 terror attacks. We welcome Unrwa’s immediate response, including terminating contracts and launching an investigation, as well as its recent announcement of a full investigation into allegations against the organisation.”
1 February 2024
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“If she’s knowingly sent that money to a terrorist organisation, then I think that is an outrage, and I think Penny Wong and the prime minister have more questions than answers in relation to this particular issue.”
29 January 2024
Mehreen Faruqi, deputy leader of the Greens
“The Labor government’s blatant hypocrisy is on full display – suspending funding to Unrwa while Palestinians are being killed, starved and displaced, but not so much as a slap on the wrist for Israel which is on a genocidal mission.”
Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom is killed in Gaza
4 April 2024
Anthony Albanese, prime minister
“People would have seen the footage of the vehicle that was hit in this strike by an Israeli missile that clearly is identified as being from the World Central Kitchen. These vehicles were going about carrying the best of humanity, people who’d come from all over the world to help Palestinians who are suffering from extraordinary deprivation in Gaza. And for them to lose their life in these circumstances is outrageous and completely unacceptable. Humanitarian workers are protected under international law. And the Netanyahu government must publish a full and transparent investigation. And they must be held accountable.”
7 April 2024
Simon Birmingham, Coalition foreign affairs spokesperson
“This is a tragedy. It shouldn’t have happened. It is wrong that it happened. We’ve been very clear about that. We have expectations in terms of the investigations that should occur. But we also cannot turn away or be so naive as to pretend that tragedies and mistakes don’t occur in war. They do. They happen all the time. It’s a terrible thing. We’d wish it wasn’t the case.”
4 April 2024
Mehreen Faruqi, deputy leader of the Greens
“Israel’s targeting of a clearly identified convoy of aid workers is just one example of their attacks and undermining of aid agencies and workers. Just a phone call simply isn’t good enough. The Australian government must respond with actions, not words.”
Australia among 143 countries to grant additional rights to the Palestinian delegation at the UN
11 May 2024
Penny Wong, foreign affairs minister
“We all know one vote won’t, on its own, end this conflict. It has spanned our entire lifetimes. But we all have to do what we can to build momentum towards peace. I want to be extremely clear again. This vote is not about whether Australia recognises Palestine. We will do that when we think the time is right. What we would say, and what I do say, is Australia no longer believes that recognition can only come at the end of a peace process. It could occur as part of a peace process. I have been clear there is no role for Hamas in a future Palestinian state.”
11 May 2024
Simon Birmingham, Coalition foreign affairs spokesperson
“The Albanese Labor government has proven overnight that they lack the courage to stand against pressure and by sound principles after voting at the United Nations general assembly for a resolution granting a unique form of UN membership to the ‘state of Palestine’. Labor’s support for the resolution sends a shameful message that violence and terrorism get results ahead of negotiation and diplomacy.”
29 May 2024
Adam Bandt, leader of the Greens
“While the rest of the world moves towards recognising the State of Palestine, Labor’s refusal just sets us back. Recognising Palestine won’t by itself stop the slaughter in Rafah, the invasion, or the occupation; but it is an important step towards peace, equality and justice.”
International criminal court prosecutor applies for arrest warrants for leaders of Israel and Hamas
23 May 2024
Anthony Albanese, prime minister
“Well, I’m not about to go into hypotheticals about things that have not happened … There’s been an application. There’s been no determination by the ICC against any individual or anybody at this point in time.”
23 May 2024
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“I don’t rule it out [Australia withdrawing from the ICC] but I think the pressure at the moment needs to be for like-minded countries that share our values, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, for there to be no difference, and to put pressure on the ICC, to make sure that this antisemitic stance that they’ve taken does not advance.”
21 May 2024
Adam Bandt, leader of the Greens
“Australia must publicly support the ICC prosecutor’s bold decision to press for arrests. No one is above the law … What we do here matters. Labor cannot follow Joe Biden’s flagrant disregard for the independent court.”
Coalition attacks Labor over visas for Palestinians fleeing Gaza
14 August 2024
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“If people are coming in from that war zone and we’re uncertain about identity or their allegiances – Hamas is a listed terrorist organisation, they’ve just committed an atrocity against the Jewish people, the biggest attack on people of Jewish faith since the Holocaust – and that the government wouldn’t be conducting checks? I don’t think people should be coming in from that war zone at all at the moment. It’s not prudent to do so, and I think it puts our national security at risk.”
21 August 2024
Anthony Albanese, prime minister
“There was a time when the Liberal party would have seen people fleeing, whether they were fleeing Ukraine, Israel, Syria, Vietnam, or Gaza at the moment, and would have had some understanding that this was the worst time to try to malign a whole group of people who are suffering enormously. It’s something that we see on our TV screens every night. This morning, if you turned on the radio, the latest hit was a school in Gaza, with real people devastated and losing their lives. When it comes to security processes, we have faith in our intelligence agencies.”
Australia abstains on a UN vote that called for Israel to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories within 12 months
19 September 2024
Penny Wong, foreign affairs minister
“Frankly, we were in a position where we were wanting to be able to vote for a resolution which did reflect closely the ICJ opinion, which gave impetus to a pathway to peace, and we worked very hard in New York with others, including the Palestinian delegation, to seek amendments that would enable us to support it, as we did the recognition vote and the ceasefire vote, where text enabled Australia to support it, and we were disappointed that the amendments that we and many others sought were not accepted. For that reason we abstained.”
19 September 2024
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“They should have voted with the United States … I think Penny Wong here is – and along with the prime minister, frankly – damaging our relationship very significantly with Israel, with the United States and with like-minded partners.”
19 September 2024
Mehreen Faruqi, deputy leader of the Greens
“The Labor government has shown itself to be gutless fence-sitters by abstaining on a vote in the UN for Israel to end its occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. That is just plain cowardly.”
As Israel ramps up Lebanon strikes, parliament divides over 7 October anniversary
8 October 2024
Anthony Albanese, prime minister
“A year on from October 7, Israelis and people across the world are mourning those who were robbed of their lives and futures and waiting anxiously for news of the hostages who remain in captivity. Palestinians are mourning the lives taken from them in the continuing aftermath. So much has been lost; so many loved ones buried. We join all of them in their grief.”
8 October 2024
Peter Dutton, opposition leader
“So in the motion moved by the prime minister today are not just words of comfort and words of recognition in relation to October 7 – and I acknowledge those words in his motion. But of course, it goes beyond that, and it’s an extension of the way in which the prime minister has conducted the debate and himself over the course of the last 12 months, trying to please all people in this debate.”
7 October 2024
Australian Greens, written statement
“We condemned the taking of hostages a year ago and we continue to condemn hostage-taking for the war crime that it is. The very same commitment to compassion, honesty, peace and justice required of us in response to those attacks of Hamas requires us as Greens to call out the war crimes and genocide that is being carried out by the State of Israel right now in Gaza and the rest of the occupied territories and the bombing and invasion of Lebanon.”
Daniel Hurst is Guardian Australia’s foreign affairs and defence correspondent