Thousands of repair jobs are being left undone as a strike by Housing Executive workers heads into its ninth week, a union says.
Unite has dismissed as “insulting” a 1.75% pay offer the housing body has offered workers and called on the Department for Communities to intervene in the dispute.
Hundreds of workers from the Executive’s Direct Labour Organisation have downed tools, with Unite saying the “blame for this strike and the mounting backlog of repairs lies firmly at the door of the NI Housing Executive”.
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Workers, who carry out a range of jobs from routine works like fire door repairs, health and safety tests and inspections to shower installations, say private contractors who a carry out work for the Executive have seen a significant rise in their payments - by as much as 20 to 30%, they claim, while directly employed staff are being offered a well below inflation raise.
Housing Executive sources have disputed this, saying rising costs of materials ranging from timber to windows are being added to contract costs but only after evidence of those increases costs is provided. Unite says the number of repair jobs waiting to be done since the strike started has “ballooned to more than 7,300”. They also say that “almost 300 disabled tenants are waiting for housing adaptions, including many bath and shower installations and safety railings”.
On Monday, Housing Executive workers staged a protest at an Executive awards ceremony event at Titanic Belfast.
Barry Boyle, a Unite Convenor at Monday’s protest, said some staff had to borrow money to get to the protest.
He added: “This is how much these workers are earning. Lads having to borrow the bus fare to get down from Coleraine or Ballymena or where ever because they wanted to be here. There’s workers here who are hungry because they haven’t eaten as they’re saving what little they have for their kids. These are the backbone of the Housing Executive but the arrogance they have been treated with is shocking.
“The attitude has been that the management are not budging and that’s it. And they say that the Department [for Communities] is backing them. Well we want to hear from the Minister if it is her position to only offer workers a 1.75% raise in this cost of living crisis while private contractors are seeing massive uplifts in what they get paid.”
Workers have rejected an “insulting” 1.75 percent offer recommended by the National Joint Council. They are seeking two pay point uplifts and a cost of living payment to avoid a “further crunch on their household’s incomes”.
Talks last Wednesday (5 October) between Unite and NIHE Chief Executive Grania Long collapsed within minutes, the union says, after she ruled out as ‘non-negotiable’ any increases to pay points or payments, claiming her position had the support of the Communities Department.
Michael Keenan, Unite regional officer added: “If Grania Long was correct in asserting that her ‘non-negotiable’ stance had the backing of the Communities Department, then Unite is demanding to open up negotiations direct with Minister Hargey.
“We are calling on Deirdre Hargey to meet our members’ pay claim, end this dispute and address the mounting safety concerns it is posing to vulnerable housing executive tenants.”
A spokesperson for the Housing Executive said; “Given the nature of our frontline work, we are acutely aware of the impact that the cost of living crisis is having on the people and communities we serve.
“The priority for our tenants is to deliver a quality repairs service to ensure their homes are safe, warm and dry. It is therefore very regrettable that the continued industrial action by Unite is continuing to cause disruption to tenants in Craigavon, Coleraine and North and West Belfast.
“During this period, we have been only been in a position to carry out emergency only arrangements within these areas. Due to Unite’s decision not to cover essential health and safety repairs and due to the protracted nature of this strike, these arrangements have included the use of external contractors, when required.
“We would like to reassure tenants that they can continue to report repairs as normal through our usual channels. We are very clear on the impact of the rise in the cost of living and how it is affecting our colleagues.
“There is a national pay offer currently on the table which includes a pay increase for all employees of £1,925. This award was developed nationally in response to the rise in the cost of living.
“This pay rise would, for illustrative purposes, amount to an increase of 10.5% for the lowest paid employees. We met with NIPSA and Unite trade unions this week to discuss a local pay claim they submitted to us in June, and a number of other related matters.
“This included our pay and grading review which is well advanced, as well as job role re-design and changes to annual leave and working patterns. For our part, we will continue to meet with trade unions to progress these discussions.

“Unite is aware that Housing Executive pay is not set by the Board or Executive Team, but is subject to national collective bargaining arrangements. Unite representatives have informed us that it is engaged in industrial action relating to last year’s national pay award, which has already been paid to all staff.
“In a very challenging financial context, we need to balance competing demands, especially around delivering housing services for our tenants and those in housing need. It is regrettable that continued industrial action causes more even more disruption to our vital services.”
A spokesperson for the Department for Communities said: “The Minister has no input into the negotiations or agreement of the pay awards for Housing Executive workers but would urge all those involved to work urgently to find an agreed resolution.
“The Minister will need to approve the pay award once an agreed settlement has been reached.”
People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll joined the striking workers and criticised the Housing Executive for holding an awards ceremony as staff were on strike.
He said: “If the Housing Executive wants to reward workers for their efforts then it should give them all a proper pay rise. Rounds of applause and medals don’t pay the bills. It is insult that this ceremony was held while Housing Executive maintenance workers are on the picket line.
“These workers were on the frontline throughout the pandemic and they deserve much more than a pat on the back and disgraceful 1.75 per cent pay offer.”
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