Struggling families could get money off their food shop or energy bills through the Household Support Fund.
The scheme is a Government initiative designed to help with the cost of living, with the help being issued through councils.
It is down to each local authority to decide what support to give - and who gets it.
This means many families face a postcode lottery when it comes to what help is available.
You should get in contact with your council to see what support they could give you.
The Government made another £842million in Household Support Fund money available from April 1.
This takes the total amount allocated to the fund to over £2billion since it first started in October 2021.
The Household Support Fund will now run until March 31 next year.
What help can I get through the Household Support Fund?

The help varies between councils, as it up to each local authority to decide how it allocates the cash.
You'll normally be given support with food, energy, or other household bills.
For example, residents who are covered by Dorset Council can get £150 worth of supermarket vouchers if they're deemed eligible for help.
Cheshire East Council can give struggling households up to £160 worth of food vouchers, as well as £100 to help with the cost of energy.
Warrington Council says it will pay eligible families £190 in instalments throughout the next year while the scheme is still active.
As the new round of funding has only just been made available, not all council websites have updated their websites with the latest Household Support Fund information.
If you're struggling, get in contact with your local council as soon as possible to see when its scheme will open again.
Who qualifies for help through the Household Support Fund?
Councils are advised to allocate the money to "vulnerable households in most need of support to help with significantly rising living costs".
In particular, local authorities have been told they should prioritise people who:
- Are eligible for but not claiming qualifying benefits
- Became eligible for benefits after the relevant qualifying dates
- Are in receipt of Housing Benefit only
- Are normally eligible for benefits but who had a nil award in the qualifying period due to
But even if you don't fall into one of these categories, you should still get in touch with your council if you are struggling.
It states in Government guidelines: "This list is not exhaustive and there may additionally be households that are vulnerable to rising costs despite being in receipt of this government support with the cost of living."
How do I contact my council about the Household Support Fund? has a search tool that lets you find the contact details for your council.
Enter your postcode by using this link to see who your local authority is.
Alternatively, you should be sent council tax letters yearly that state who you council is.
Some local authorities have said you cannot reapply to the Household Support Fund if you've already received help, due to how popular the scheme has been.