House hunters have been issued a warning over a two-bedroom property, which has come on that market for just £10,000.
The end terrace, which is located in Wednesbury in the West Midlands, is currently vacant and ready for potential buyers to move in. However, the property is in such bad condition that auctioneers have issued a warning to anyone hoping to look around - advising appropriate clothing, footwear and even a torch.
Bond Wolfe auctions, who are selling the property on 18th May, said: “Due to the condition of this lot, auctioneers advise that appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn when viewing the property. A torch may also be required.

"Viewers must take extreme care. Access is at the viewer's own risk. The auctioneers accept no responsibility for any accidents or injuries."

The hazardous home is described as standing back from the road behind a garden which is subject to fire damage. The property consists of a hall, two reception rooms, a kitchen with no fittings, a bathroom with no fittings, a landing and two bedrooms. However, images show that the interior appears to have been gutted by a fire - with charred walls and boarded up windows and doors.

The gardens are included in the sale and any buyer will have freehold vacant possession upon completion.

The auction will be live-streamed and bidding will start at £10,000. However, due to the dangerous condition of the property, Bond Wolfe won't be accepting any offers before the auction sale.