House prices in one Glasgow suburb are rising by en eye-watering £2,500 a day according to a new report.
The marked increase concerns properties in leafy Giffnock to the southwest of Glasgow.
A new report by chartered surveyor Walker Fraser Steele said that stone-built semi-detached homes in the area - beyond the city limit in the south side - rose in value by £70,000 in February and are now selling for £750,000 on average, The Times reports.
They did however concede that the average could have been artificially inflated via the fact that one particular five-bed luxury villa, which was advertised for £1,650,000, sold for £300,000 more (£1,950,000).
Back in February, we reported how the sought-after Whitecraigs area of Giffnock dominated million pound activity in East Renfrewshire.
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House prices in the Glasgow suburb mirror a record price growth trend Scotland, with the average price last month (£218,702) over £16,000 higher than it was in February of 2021.

Walker Fraser Steele regional development director Scott Jack said: “This continues the trend from January and, on a monthly basis, means prices in February rose by 1.5 per cent — the highest increase in a month since August last year.
“The reasons for this performance remain constant across the UK. We are still seeing the results of people choosing to change the way in which they work and where they choose to do this. While inflation and interest rates are rising we still enjoy relatively low borrowing costs.”
A total of 2,308 additional homes now worth a million pounds or more in Scotland, with the expansion fuelled by a record number of sales at that level last year.