A couple residing in Studio City experienced a frightening ordeal late Wednesday night when a fire broke out in a neighboring house on Sunswept Drive. The incident began with the couple hearing loud bangs, which they initially mistook for gunshots. Upon investigating, they discovered flames engulfing the adjacent property.
Reacting swiftly, the couple gathered essential belongings including phones, a computer, and their dogs before evacuating their own home. The blaze, which started around 8:52 p.m., rapidly spread to nearby vegetation, prompting a response from over 50 firefighters from the Los Angeles Fire Department.
Brandon Jones, a resident in the area, received a distressing message from friends whose house was directly impacted by the fire. Due to the challenging terrain and narrow roads in the hilly neighborhood, firefighters faced difficulties accessing the affected property. Fortunately, by the time Jones arrived at the scene, emergency responders had contained the fire and prevented further damage.
By 10 p.m., firefighters successfully extinguished the blaze, although some neighboring structures sustained minor damages. Thankfully, there were no reported injuries resulting from the incident.