The House Ethics Committee has reportedly revived a probe into Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) regarding allegations of misconduct, as investigators have reportedly begun reaching out to witnesses.
A witness from Florida told CNN they spoke with investigators recently about alleged “lobbying violations.”
Other witnesses have also been contacted by the Ethics Committee, a source close to the matter told CNN.
The Ethics Committee investigation is a continuation of their 2021 probe into Mr Gaetz’s alleged “misconduct” while serving as a representative. It is unclear what misconduct the witnesses were interviewed for, though the initial probe regarded sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, misuse of state identification records and bribery.
Earlier this year, the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to charge Mr Gaetz after a sex trafficking investigation that was deferred to them by the Ethics Committee upon request.
Last year, an ex-associate of Mr Gaetz, Joel Greenberg, was sentenced to 11 years in prison after pleading guilty to six federal crimes, including sex trafficking of a minor.
After the DOJ reached a conclusion, the Ethics Committee restored its own investigation.
A spokesperson for Mr Gaetz directed The Independent to comments he made to CNN regarding the investigation.
The Florida lawmaker said the investigation is “not something I’m worried about” adding that he’s “focused on the work.”
“The Ethics Committee typically operates through leaks and so this is no surprise,” Mr Gaetz said. “But the Ethics Committee has never found me to be in violation of House rules, though they’ve been investigating me during my entire seven years in Congress.”
He added: “It’s also funny that the one guy who doesn’t take the corrupt lobbyist and PAC money seems to be under the most Ethics investigation.”
The committee’s decision to pursue the investigation by reaching out to witnesses marks the first time investigators have taken steps since the probe was revived.
The Ethics Committee is currently led by Rep Michael Guest (R-MS).
Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy declined to comment to CNN about the investigation claiming he doesn’t “know anything” regarding the details of it.